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Sinon, il n'est pas encore dispo en test, on parle du G2, pas du V2.
Il suffit de tourner la tête 😁
Avec ce Reverb tu vas pouvoir viser beaucoup plus loin, donc tu vas devenir très très très très....
(En tout cas, le sweet spot testé par Sebastian Ang est déjà meilleur par rapport au G1)
C'est un constat qui ne date pas d'aujourd'hui toutes ces videos soit disantes review/critiques sans même avoir le produit fini en main...
On est pas encore au stade de la "vision humaine" car il persiste un léger SDE.
Jamais j'aurais imaginé qu'ils sortent cette version aussi vite après le G1.
Tu nous feras un compte rendu quand tu l’auras en main enfin sur la tête
Aux US:
1. When will the HP Reverb G2 ship?
HP Reverb G2 will ship globally in the fall, we haven’t announced an exact date yet.
2. Why am I being sent to a Channel Partner?
Pre-orders are being done through HP Channel Partners in each country, generally 1 per country, with a few exceptions where we may have 2 Channel Partners. On this current list only NZ has 2 Channel Partners now. The HP Reverb G2 will be available for sale on HP.com directly, but not until much closer to ship date.
3. Pricing?
Each country sets their own pricing, so they generally tend to align, but some countries may have elected to do pre-order pricing specials.
4. Why isn’t my country listed?
This list isn’t the final pre-order list, it is the list of countries available for pre-order today. We will keep adding countries to the list. If your country isn’t listed, there are 2 possibilities:
Your country’s pre-orders will be available soon.
Your country decided not to do pre-orders and will start selling closer to the shipping date.
If you have issues with any of the links or processes, please let us know so we can work on fixing them!
Thanks for all the enthusiasm for the HP Reverb G2. We are very excited also!!!
Et si on habite pas en Belgique ... ?😲
Car le lien mène direct sur paiement même de la France.
-> The HP Reverb G2 will be available for sale on HP.com directly, but not until much closer to ship date.
EDIT: On parle du 15 septembre comme date de lancement (non officiel):
dit sur le câble et sa longueur 🤔