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tu m'étonne
Pourquoi y'a une autre simu auto que iRacing?
On m'a pas prévenu
Je suis déjà looooooiiiiiiiiiiiiiin
ben là, la news, pour cette build du moins, c'est "NSM is confirmed"
pour les chanceux qui seront au rendez vous dans 2 semaines (le iRacing.com Nürburgring GT500 race), ils auront la possibilité d'avoir un avant gout du Nurburgring (version grand prix) dans le stand d'iracing .. et continue en rajoutant que .. pour les plus chanceux qui auront la chance d'avoir un ticket d'invit' (il me semble que c'est le cas pour un GTrs), ils auront la chance de pouvoir déguster l'enfer vert ... et j'en connais qu'un d'enfer vert, haha ..
tain qu'c'est bon \m/ ...
pari perdu
C'est clair que ça va se sentir plus en oval qu'en road… Graphiquement, je serais curieux de voir l'état de la piste après une endu de 24h
Au niveau grip au fil des tours ou quand on sort de la trajectoire… Avec la météo dynamique et les qualifs attachées aux courses ça va être bien plus dur de pondre un bon setup. (Ou comment adapté son setup).
C'est fou aussi que la couleur du tarmac (clair ou foncé) va jouer sur la t° au soleil
" We hope the days are gone when iRacers would spend hours on end tweaking a setup in search of hundredths of a second because it is always 78 degrees and sunny on a perfectly clean and even grip track. You’re going to be faced with the exact same reality that exists in the real world where you’ll do the best you can to get “in the box” before arriving at the track. Even offline testing will not be able to simulate race conditions because one car turning laps by itself is not going to change the track like a full race field will"
C'est clair que pondre un setup pendant des heures en practice pour une course à avenir… ce sera du passé!
La génération avancée de particules (décembre) ça promet aussi… Comme cette photo avec la fumée… Se prendre un nuage de fumée quand celui devant bloque ses roues, ça peut-être cool
Et leur nouveau modèle d'arbre (pas pour maintenant) est nettement plus détaillé que 2 plans mis à 90°.
Et vous avez-vu le projet de David Tucker pour exporter plus facilement une video (en cas de file protest notamment), c'est cool… Ca incitera plus facilement certains à dénoncer les mauvais comportement.
Brefffffff que du bon encore à venir…. Et l'écart ne fait que se creuser
J'aurais besoin de quelqu'un pour faire un team cet, une course de endurance un peux pres 6H (le 1000km) elle commence a 15 houjourdhui
You are receiving this PM because you are the Team Representative for one or more entries in the Suzuka 1000km Race being held on Sep 5 2015. The following contains important information about the race. Please pass all of this message on to all drivers and crews for your entire team. It is a lot of information, so it is important they see it before the session opens. PLEASE read this entire message very carefully. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me, the sooner the better!
Important Reminders:
-Triple check to make sure that your team enters the correct car for the race and that all drivers register for the correct team. If you register the wrong car or register with the wrong team there is nothing I can do to fix it and you will be unable to race.
-Do not miss the drivers meeting please (your voice chat must be enabled for this, no exceptions)
-In the event iRacing has a major problem and the server shuts down, the race will be rescheduled. Information about the reschedule in such a situation will be posted to the original thread on the iRacing forum.
-This is supposed to be a fun event, so please, enjoy yourself!
Race Day Schedule:
1300-1455 GMT | Open Practice
1455-1500 GMT | Drivers Meeting
1500-1515 GMT | GT3 Qualifying
1515-1530 GMT | GT1 Qualifying
1530-2200 GMT | 173 Lap Race
The Day’s Events:
Practice: Open practice is available to all cars. Please be respectful of everyone practicing. “Pit parties” are allowed, but do not block parts of the track with large groups of slow moving cars; stage your pit parties in the pit lane only, and proceed out of the pits at normal pace as to not interfere with any drivers on track.
Drivers Meeting: All drivers MUST have voice chat enabled so they can hear the drivers meeting information. I will be broadcasting this information on the Race Control channel, so there is no excuse not to hear it. If any of your drivers do not speak English, please translate the information to them privately after I finish. Most of what will be covered in the drivers meeting will be quick reminders of information in this message. I would greatly appreciate it if no one is driving around the track during the drivers meeting so everyone can focus.
You are receiving this PM because you are the Team Representative for one or more entries in the Suzuka 1000km Race being held on Sep 5 2015. The following contains important information about the race. Please pass all of this message on to all drivers and crews for your entire team. It is a lot of information, so it is important they see it before the session opens. PLEASE read this entire message very carefully. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me, the sooner the better!
Important Reminders:
-Triple check to make sure that your team enters the correct car for the race and that all drivers register for the correct team. If you register the wrong car or register with the wrong team there is nothing I can do to fix it and you will be unable to race.
-Do not miss the drivers meeting please (your voice chat must be enabled for this, no exceptions)
-In the event iRacing has a major problem and the server shuts down, the race will be rescheduled. Information about the reschedule in such a situation will be posted to the original thread on the iRacing forum.
-This is supposed to be a fun event, so please, enjoy yourself!
Race Day Schedule:
1300-1455 GMT | Open Practice
1455-1500 GMT | Drivers Meeting
1500-1515 GMT | GT3 Qualifying
1515-1530 GMT | GT1 Qualifying
1530-2200 GMT | 173 Lap Race
The Day’s Events:
Practice: Open practice is available to all cars. Please be respectful of everyone practicing. “Pit parties” are allowed, but do not block parts of the track with large groups of slow moving cars; stage your pit parties in the pit lane only, and proceed out of the pits at normal pace as to not interfere with any drivers on track.
Drivers Meeting: All drivers MUST have voice chat enabled so they can hear the drivers meeting information. I will be broadcasting this information on the Race Control channel, so there is no excuse not to hear it. If any of your drivers do not speak English, please translate the information to them privately after I finish. Most of what will be covered in the drivers meeting will be quick reminders of information in this message. I would greatly appreciate it if no one is driving around the track during the drivers meeting so everyone can focus.
Qualifying: Split class qualifying. This is a very important section so please read it a few times to ensure you understand. Ask me if you have any questions. GT3 cars will be the only cars allowed to qualify for the first 15 minutes. All GT3 drivers must begin their final hot lap before the 14:59 mark of the qualifying session. GT1 drivers may not enter the track until given the okay by Race Control at the 15:00 mark. GT1 qualifying will run from the 15:00-30:00 mark of the qualifying session. GT3 drivers; because of how far back the start/finish line is, if you complete your final hot lap after the 15:00 mark, please pull off the track on the left side into the grass UNDER CONTROL and escape to the pit lane. That way there should be no GT3 cars still circulating when the GT1 cars begin their hot laps. GT1 drivers should be aware that on their warm up lap they may come up on GT3 cars finishing their hot laps. GT1 drivers on a warm up lap must yield to GT3 cars on their final hot lap, this includes exiting the pits as a GT3 car comes by on their final hot lap (I will do my best to warn drivers if this happens). GT1 drivers should also be aware that when the GT3 car completes that final hot lap they will be slowing and pulling off the track, so do not get right behind them or you will risk a crash that will negatively affect your qualifying effort. Any cars on track during the wrong period of time will be black flagged. If you receive the black flag for being on track at the wrong time please pull off the track in a safe, controlled manner and escape to the pit lane to wait for the proper time to qualify. Any cars that do not set a valid qualifying time will be gridded at the back, including GT1 cars, see the Race section next for additional information.
Race: The race will be 173 laps. The start will be a rolling start behind the iRacing pace car. Please be aware that many cars will likely get the green flag while still in the final chicane, so plan accordingly for that (turn up traction control setting, exercise caution, etc). Cars that do not set a qualifying time will be gridded at the back of the field regardless of class. I highly recommend anyone who does not set a qualifying time to start from pit lane, but it is not mandatory.
-All standard iRacing and FIRST rules apply as per the iRacing Sporting Code.
-During qualifying and the race it is appreciated if all public voice or text chat is kept to essential only.
-2 drivers must complete at least 1 racing lap for their car to be scored.
-Local cautions only.
-Intentional wrecking of any kind is not allowed. I will remove you from the server immediately if I catch you doing it. Please do not take your frustrations out on other drivers; it is not fair to anyone in the race, guilty or innocent.
No one has the right of way based only on car class. GT1 and GT3 drivers must show mutual respect for each other.
Session Information:
Finally, what you’ve really been looking for, how to join the session on race day!
Session Name: Suzuka 1000km Race
Session Password: yumsushi
Qualifying and Race Results:
Please allow up to 48 hours for me to post the final results to the iRacing forum thread. I will attempt to compile an easy to understand spreadsheet correcting for all 5 cars being split into 5 classes and combine them into the 2 respective classes. During that 48 hour period I also may need to review the replay footage to ensure everyone made the correct driver swaps, there was no cheating, etc.
Live Streamers/Post Race Videos:
Planning on streaming the race from your computer? Awesome! If you provide me with a link to your live stream I will gladly post it in the original thread for the race as well as a thread in the General section of the iRacing forum for all to view. Anyone who wants to provide me with a link to their live stream or channel can do so before 14:00 GMT on Sep 5th.
Planning on recording the race and putting up a video later? Great! Please send me the link when it is ready and I’ll be happy to add it to the threads so you can get some more views.
Final Thoughts:
I hope you’re excited for the race; I think it’s going to be a great time. Thank you to everyone who will be participating in this event. A special thank you to those who spent their hard earned money hosting practice sessions for the teams entered in the event. That was very much appreciated. Once again do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you have prior to the event.
Elliot Meme | iRacing Hosted Suzuka 1000km Organizer
Le code cet pour moi je suis deja inscrit...;
Petits trucs que j'ai noté :
On peut comprendre que sur un circuit avec des revêtements "réparés", donc de différentes couleurs comme sur beaucoup de circuits où le revêtement est plus ou moins sombre par endroits, la température serait différente. (Couleurs sombre plus chaudes que couleurs claires). Le "caught a cloud" (attraper un nuage) en qualifs, c'est avoir des conditions plus fraîches de piste avec la météo évolutive en fonction du moment où l'on fait sa qualif, et donc de plus ou moins bonnes perfs. Au niveau réalisme on ne peut pas faire mieux !
J'avais un doute pour la sortie sur la prochaine build, mais là j'en ai plus...
Donc pour la build de Décembre, nouvelles étincelles (certainement quand le fond de caisse touche le sol et sur les contacts), nouveaux retours de flamme (j'espère qu'on verra ceux lors des upshiftings), nouvelle fumée (voir photo Toche, et peut-être nouvelles fumées moteur), et nouveaux sons, qui seront certainement des bruits d'ambiances, c'est vrai que quelques graviers, grincements, seraient bienvenus pour l'immersion.
Dis donc, on est gâtés cette année ! :x