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Petite question concernant TradingPaints, ont-il fait un mode guirlande pour noël ?? Ou ce bug n'arrive qu'à moi ? Ca me le fait avec mon skin F1 aussi, dois-je supprimer toutes mes peintures dans le dossier "paint" ? et cocher "delete a chaque fin de session" ?
As-tu un répoertoire 'cars' dans C:\Users\XXXXX\Documents\iRacing\paint
Lance une session où tu vois ta skin se recharger (ton bug), gare toi et bascule (ALT-TAB) dans Windows et click sur l'icone de TP. Est-ce que dans Status, tu as 'Files up to date', ou est-ce que tu le vois télécharger à l'infini?
Tu peux toujours virer tous les skins, ça ne peut pas faire de mal... Ils devront juste se télécharger les prochaines fois.
Tu peux toujours vérifier que tu n'as pas des 'car_141847.tga' qui trainerait ailleurs que dans ton dossier 'rt2000' qui pourraient être en conflit. (c'etait mon cas comme je disais plus haut... mais je doute que chez toi ce soit ça le problème)
Je viens juste de finir une super course en GT1 . "Encore" un podium :P mais je ne connais pas le sof. :-w
J'espère qu'everything is under controooooool....
We experienced some database corruption that resulted in unplanned downtime for the service. We are sorry for the outage.
Envoyez leur klu nomdidiouss il va réparer ça en deux minutes
J'espère que les dernières courses seront comptabilisées. :-w
John Henry
Having been here since the beginning I can say with authority this has been the most challenging build technologically we've ever had. It's not likely to be repeated since there were and are a number of factors that have led to all these issues.
The staff has been working like hell to address all of the issues and I can tell you they feel worse than probably any member about the glitches this month.
It's also about time I thanked all of you once again not just for being patient through this build, but for making iRacing the success that it has become. We start our 12th year in business and our 9th year of service at the beginning of 2016. There were a lot of naysayers and there should have been because this was not a simple service to build.
I don't know what's more surprising - the length some of you have been members or the length of time so many staff have been working at this. Most of the original staff of iRacing are still here and many of them had a history at Papyrus. Most of them are working harder than ever before.
I had a discussion with Randy and Grant this week about something new they are working on and their level of excitement is higher than I've ever seen it before. Dave is more committed than he's ever been. I'll not go through the list of staff, but they remain through thick and thin continuing to create and provide the best (most complicated) racing service in the world.
They wouldn't still be here if you had not embraced iRacing the way you have. We aren't cheap, we aren't easy and you continue to support our efforts on behalf of motorsport simulation. Thank you, sincerely, and happy new year!