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Pour une livraison dans le 1er trimestre 2016
Perso je vais attendre, car il recommande un processeur I5 4590k et une GTX970.
Donc j'aimerais bien savoir si ca fonctionneras quand même avec un I5 3570K et une GTX660!!
Si j'ose me permettre Toche, il me semble aussi que tu aurais dû plus ralentir.. Non ?
J'ai l'impression que tu aurais dû freiner bien plus comme tu ne voyais rien..
Cela dit, les fumées sont vachement bien faites maintenant effectivement...
(et ça doit être carnage en oval
edit : bravo pour ta victoire !! =D>
J'ai fais quelques tours avec le Truck sur l'ovale de Charlotte...le carnage...pas un tour sans un contact avec les murets...
J'aimerai un eclairage sur les fps,je tourne a 42 fps,cela ne semble pas enorme....comment puis je ameliorer les "fps"?
J'ai un assez vieux coucou, un Acer Predator Serie G,est ce possible de l'upgrader?
Quand tu rentre dans une session cliques sur option et dans l'onglet graphique choisis l'option Fps sans limite (si cela n'apparaît pas clics sur advance...)
Pour tes réglages graphiques, la limite est normalement à 84 fps. Donc il faut que tu réduises d'autres paramètres.
Ce qui bouffe le plus dans iRacing c'est les rétros ! Il faut décocher "cockpit mirrors" s'il est coché
Ne met pas trop de truc sur high. "Far terrain" tu n'en a pas besoin. "crowds" sur low
Dans la colonne du milieu, ne coche que "vertex shaders". Pas d'ombres mais ce sera plus fluide.
Tout décoché, seul en piste, j'ai 300 fps,normal?
Par contre , les 3 indicateurs en dessous j'ai rien...
Here is another small follow-up to our 2016 Season 1 Release. We've fixed a few more issues.
- Improved the graphics autoconfig to set the "Video Memory to Use" limit to precisely 10% less than the dedicated video memory of the GPU, rather than always 128MB less at most.
- Replaced the graphics option, "Cap Frame Queue," with a more useful version,
"Max Prerendered Frames," adjustable from 1 to 4 frames. Typically you should set this value to the number of GPUs in use for rendering, in most cases this is 1, but for SLI or Crossfire this is often 2. Setting the limit to zero frames disables this function completely, which is not advisable since it will lead to increased control lag, or in some cases stuttering. This new setting defaults to a value of 1, and is named "MaxPreRenderedFrames" in the "renderer.ini" file.
- A new setting, "ParallelSorting=1," has been added to the "renderer.ini" file. Changing this setting to 0 will disable the use of multi-threading during scene sorting in the renderer. The multithreading optimizations are enabled by default.
- Fixed an issue where textures were only loading after entering the garage screen when the option "LoadTexturesWhenDriving" was set to zero in the "renderer.ini" file.
Shared Pit Stalls
- Sessions will now be split into run-groups based on the number of starting grid stalls at the track, instead of the number of pit stalls.
- A new telemetry item "LapCompleted" has been added which contains the number of laps completed by your car (Similar to "Lap" which contains your car's currently started lap). At a circuit event, "CarIdxLapCompleted" will always be 1 less than "CarIdxLap", since the finish line both finishes one lap and starts the next. But at the Nürburgring Tourist config, where the start and finish are separate, completing a lap does not start the next one.
- A new telemetry item "CarIdxLapCompleted" has been added which is an array containing the number of laps completed for each CarIdx (Similar to "CarIdxLap" which contains the currently started lap).
- Telemetry items "LapDistPct" and "CarIdxLapDistPct" have been updated to export "0.0" to "1.0" correctly for the Nürburgring Tourist config, with "1.0" being at the finish line. The number will continue to increase above "1.0" in the non-timed area, and wrap back to "0.0" at the start line.
- The state of "TrackCleanup" has been inverted. Now a value of "0" indicates that the track is not being cleaned up, and a value of "1" indicates the track is being cleaned up.
- Renamed several telemetry parameters to remove the unacceptable characters, "-" and, " ", as follows:
- - PowerMGU-K = PowerMGU_K
- - TorqueMGU-K = TorqueMGU_K
- - PowerMGU-H = PowerMGU_H
- - EnergyBatteryToMGU-KLap = EnergyBatteryToMGU_KLap
- - EnergyBudgetBattToMGU-KLap = EnergyBudgetBattToMGU_KLap
- - DRS Status = DRS_Status
McLaren MP4-30
- Fixed an issue where DRS lights were not activating correctly when the control screen was active.
Radical SR8
- Fixed an issue where the left side mirror was not being deformed correctly when damaged.
Silver Crown
- Changed the weight jacker from 5/8" throw to 1.25" throw. This change means each click will have double the cross weight change compared to before.
Super Late Model
- Vehicle setups have been updated.
Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps
- Removed erroneously placed pit boxes.
- Qualifying laps that begin directly from the Tourist exit on Nordschleife and Combined configs will now correctly score the first flying lap.
- Fixed some issues with object collision on the left side of the Tourist pit lane.
Ce jeu est vraiment dur psychologiquement. Tu peux réaliser 10 courses d'enfer et engranger un max d'ir, puis tout perdre la semaine d'après en 3 courses.
Il faut des nerfs solides...
Par contre l'optimisation du Nurb et des différents problèmes rencontrés chez certains d'ordres général, ne doit surement pas accélérer le developpement d'Imola.
@Wookie: Yep j'ai vu... Passe à Suzuka
Et après il va venir se plaindre en disant qu'il aurait mieux fait de ne pas y participer :P Allez c'est pour te donner une bonne dynamique afin de réussir au moins une course cette semaine