[iRacing] Discussion générale



  • Ludo_KickasLudo_Kickas
    Membre Messages: 78
    juin 2015 modifié
    J ai parcouru quelques pages précédentes par ici, et c est top, j ai appris pas mal de truc .
    Sinon hier première course en mazda , par 3 fini 8 lol, J ai pas fais une seule connerie mais on m a rentre dedans 2 fois :( , et j ai pas encore bien compris les prereglages des pits stop, j ai fais un arrêt au stand hier et perdu en plus 50 sec , ma mis de l essence à toc et je m en suis aperçu en live !
    Enfin bref , c est vraiment bon , un peu seul lol, sinon hâte de monter en oval car étant fan de Nascar ... Bon pour le moment je comprends un peu mais je pense qu' une fois qu' il y aura un ancien de co sur le TS de demander un peu d éclairage sur la suite en live .
  • sam_the_driversam_the_driver
    Membre Messages: 5,532
    passe ce soir sur TS il y aura du monde ;)
  • TocheToche
    Modérateur global Messages: 18,153
    Ce soir on sera tous sur TS… Passe p'tet après la course, genre 23h40 pendant notre débrief ;)
  • lludolludo
    Membre Messages: 2,132
    Pourquoi pas rajouter la mazda pour ceux qui voudraient venir ,mais n'ont pas la skip? cela permettrait par exemple à kickas d'être là ,c'est juste une idée/question ,si pas possible ,pas au programme ou tout simplement pas prévu ,ia bien entendu aucun soucis
    ,cu tonight ,have a good day GTrs L-)
  • TocheToche
    Modérateur global Messages: 18,153
    Un peu tard pour improviser je trouve… Mais on va continuer à faire des hosts ;)
  • lludolludo
    Membre Messages: 2,132
    tu n'as pas tort ,à ce soir alors ,)
  • On3On3
    Membre Messages: 3,491
    Ludo K, rassure toi on est tous passés par là, il te faut configurer les blackbox sur ton volant, on t'expliquras tout ça rapidement, il te reste tant de chose à découvrir sur iRacing ...
    T'as pas encore cassé de moteur ? 8-X

    La mimix attire toujours du monde, du coup je sents bien un prochain host en MX5 histoire d'acceuillir Ludo sur la piste ;)
  • funkymaestrofunkymaestro
    Membre Messages: 35
    Oui ce serait parfait de courir en mx5...
    Petite question, vous vous arrangez comment pour les hosts, c'est payany,non, ?
  • WookieWookie
    Membre Messages: 4,894
    Oui c'est ESD qui paye...


    On a une tite cagnotte ;)
  • SeranoSerano
    Membre Messages: 1,117
    Chacun donne quand il a l'occasion ou les parrainages vont dans la cagnotte
    Y'a quelques heures de hosts d'avance $-)
  • Midna2k7Midna2k7
    Membre Messages: 20
    Salut TLM :p

    J'entend des V12 pas très loin là non ?!...
  • bobbob
    Membre Messages: 1,225
    Salut !
    Bah rejoins nous tu l'entendras encore mieux le V12 ! :P B-)
    Est il prévu un host en aston demain soir ou tout le monde fait ses essais de son côté ?
  • sam_the_driversam_the_driver
    Membre Messages: 5,532
    ha moi si y'a hosted en aston je suis partant
  • WookieWookie
    Membre Messages: 4,894
    Très bonne idée. On pourrait faire un host de practice en autorisant l'aston et la C6 pour voir laquelle est la plus rapide.
  • bobbob
    Membre Messages: 1,225
    Ok mais je viens en Aston :x :x :x
  • TocheToche
    Modérateur global Messages: 18,153
    juin 2015 modifié
    Je voulais lancer un Host C6r vs Aston lundi prochain avant que la saison ne commence sur un des circuits qu'on a le plus en commun… mais j'ai vu qu'il y avait pas mal de circuits pour les GT1 en 13th Week (Spa, Monza, etc.)
    Peut-etre profiter de la 13th week pour se donner tous RDV?

    @Midna: Mais kesssss tu fous… Allez zou rejoins nous ;) Au fait passe par la case présentation car depuis le temps on sait plus vraiment qui tu es :-p
  • bobbob
    Membre Messages: 1,225
    Oui c'est plus simple de se retrouver sur un practice comme ça on pourra changer de salon si des pilotes veulent changer de voiture c6r/aston ;)
  • sam_the_driversam_the_driver
    Membre Messages: 5,532
    ok pour moi aussi ;)
  • mcblymcbly
    Gentleman Driver Messages: 13,238
    si je suis dispo je passerai également.
  • esdesd
    Membre Messages: 4,743
    Wookie a écrit: »
    Oui c'est ESD qui paye...


    On a une tite cagnotte ;)

    Merci à tous pour vos dons, je me suis payé de belles vacances :))
  • RaidRaid
    Membre association Messages: 1,052
    Salut à tous,
    Pour moi j ai pas la skip pour le moment mais de toute façon je suis pas là cette semaine donc pas grave pour cette fois mais je la mettrai dans la tirelire pour les prochaines host.
    Bon run à vous.
  • Max_la_BarackMax_la_Barack
    Membre Messages: 5,566
    T'inquiètes Raid, on a assez d'heures pour organiser plusieurs 24h. Bref, on est pas en manque.
  • TocheToche
    Modérateur global Messages: 18,153
    juin 2015 modifié
    esd a écrit: »
    Merci à tous pour vos dons, je me suis payé de belles vacances :))

    Tutututte! Môssieur va me faire le plaisir de décompter le host de ce soir dans ma colonne :-p

    Ils ont déjà mis les séries de la Week13th... Série Deutsche Drifters... Curieux de voir si le drift sera plus facile avec le NTMv6 pour oser appeler la série comme ça ;)
  • TocheToche
    Modérateur global Messages: 18,153
    juin 2015 modifié
    Nouveauté supplémentaire demain

    There are a few things you should be aware of in tomorrow's build that impact people in terms of simply joining an official race and the competition.

    There is New Joining Race Feature:

    We created a new race joining methodology in which when you join an official race, it will take you directly into that session right then and there. Therefore, the countdown timers for sessions will be gone. When one registers for a session, the information displayed will show that you are about to enter the session, then automatically launch the simulator when the session is ready to accept you. Typically, like before you can register for a session I believe 30 minutes early. When you register early it will take you into open practice and you simply stay in that session and it will take you into the race when the races is about to start. Similar to how hosted sessions work in which it just moves you to the next session without exiting the sim. In the case where the user does exit the sim (but doesn't withdraw), they will be presented with a "Join" button to re-join. In many cases, the wait will be between 10 and 20 seconds, and many sessions if not all will be set up to place users into an open practice before the race session begins as I said. FYI, right before the session starts no matter what practice session you were in, it will calculate field splits and the like as it always did based on iRating and qualifying and put you in the correct race field. Not only is this a more elegant way to join a race, for example you don’t have to join and then join again when the session launches, it also will make the website more efficient. Also note that there is no change to existing open practice sessions.
    Donc en gros, c'est fini le décompte une fois inscrit à une course! Dès qu'on s'enregistre, la session se lance automatiquement et on se retrouve dans un practice (sorte de warmup) où tout le monde arrive au fur et à mesure. Les splits se feront une fois ce practice terminé. On pourra toujours se retirer (withdraw) sans pénalité comme avant. On verra aussi comme avant le nombre d'inscrits avant de s'enregistrer. Si une série contient la qualif avant la course, celle-ci apparaitra logiquement avant d'avoir le bouton 'Race'. A noter que ce 'practice', le SR n'est pas pris en compte.
    Le but s'est d'éviter de quitter et lancer la sim (test-on-track pendant qu'on est enregistré), et donc de tout faire dans la même session.
    Race Points:

    We improved the calculation of race points awarded so small field sizes like in mixed class racing with just one or two cars don't hand out too many or so many championship points.
    Méthode de calcul des points améliorée pour les courses où on se retrouve à 1 ou 2 en multiclass.

    We also slightly reduced the advantage of high iRating fields in awarding championship points. High iRating fields will still pay the most points, just a little less. Frankly the race point curve has changed for the better but those are the biggest impacts.
    Donc ils ont revu leur courbe d'attribution de points en fonction du SOF. Ca veut dire que ceux qui rouleront dans les top SOF gagneront un point de point en championnat.
    Oval qualifying "Cheat":

    During qualifying at medium, long and superspeedway ovals, the tires will reset to unworn and cold if travelling < 30 mph. This should fix the oval qualifying "burnout cheat" and if need be we will adjust this further.
  • TocheToche
    Modérateur global Messages: 18,153
    juin 2015 modifié
    Et voici la Release Note!


    - Ultimate Pay is no longer available as a payment method.

    - All viewable future sessions are only viewable up to a specific view date range.

    - Fixed a bug where uploading setups for a fixed Hosted Session with specific foreign characters could interfere with parsing.

    - Fixed the Firefox no-data bug.

    - Added an "Accept" button to the league ignored requests page to allow the admins to "unignore" and accept the request.

    - When clicking "I'm still here" on the hosted sessions page after the timeout, the sessions will refresh properly.

    - Opting out of league PMs and Emails now works as intended.

    - Making edits to a team that hasn't been assigned a team ID should now properly fully create the team.

    - A button to launch the graphics config has been added to the settings panel.

    - Fixed a link where IE users were having trouble when revoking team invites.

    - Fixed a bug where selecting to drive certain cars in a team multi-car hosted session could cause errors.

    - Popular races now have an additional filter to show sessions using only the content that the user owns.

    - The Cars, Tracks, and Tech Tracks pages are redone with filters.

    - Fixed a bug where, under specific conditions, the race planner could bug out and not show sessions.

    Registering for Race sessions will place you into an Open Practice while waiting

    - For many series, if you register for a Race session more than a couple minutes prior to the session's scheduled start time, you will be automatically placed into an Open Practice session. This way you can get onto track, instead of waiting for the Race session to launch. Note that the splits for your Race session will not yet have been formed. So there's no guarantee that the other drivers you see in your Open Practice will be in your split. In fact, some of the drivers in the Open Practice might have registered for it directly, and won't be transferring to your Race session at all.

    The simulation will notify you when your Race session is ready, and present a green [Race!] button on the Session screen. Clicking on this button will disconnect you from the Open Practice session, and connect you to your Race session. Only then can you tell with whom you have been grouped. If you do not click on the [Race!] button, the simulation will automatically switch you over to your Race session shortly prior to when you must grid your car for the race, or sooner if the Race session also has an embedded Qualify session.



    - When you run the iRacingUpdater it will ask you to install the Microsoft Visual C redistributions for x86 and x64, if you don't already have them installed on your computer.


    - Added a drop-down to the auto-config dialog to choose which display adapter to use. It attempts to recommend NVidia/AMD cards over Intel to help with laptops.


    - Change how the simulation configures its network connection to the race server. This might reduce the possibility of "error occurred on network device" messages, and disconnections from the race server.

    Race Points Given Field Size

    - We improved the calculation of race points awarded so small field sizes don't hand out too many championship points. This also reduces the advantage of high iRating fields in awarding championship points.

    Logitech ARX

    - We now support Logitech's ARX interface. ARX is a simple communication layer provided by Logitech that allows communication between an application on the PC and your Android or iOS based device. It basically allows us to act as a web server sending pages to your phone, along with a simple bidirectional communication channel so we can push live data to the phone and receive inputs back. For further information and details on how to use or create something for ARX, please go to this forum thread: http://members.iracing.com/jforum/posts/list/3316230.page


    - Improved frame rates with a more dynamic adjustment of detail levels when many cars are on screen.

    - We are beginning to convert some of our cars and tracks to using physically based rendering (PBR) shaders to give more accurate looking cars and tracks. In this release the new Five Flags Speedway track uses these new shaders, as do the new Aston Martin DBR9 GT1, and the updated Chevrolet Corvette C6.R GT1 and updated Legends Ford '34 Coupe.

    Race Control

    - Show the driver the amount of time they still have to yield in order to clear their "gained time by shortcutting, slow-down" furled black flag.

    - Fixed a bug where sometimes incident report messages would incorrectly say there is a limit of 17 incidents.

    - During qualifying at medium, long and superspeedway ovals, doing a burnout no longer gives an advantage.

    Split Times

    - Add in an option to load split time files from other drivers and cars for you to compare yourself against.

    - The ghost car now lights up the brake lights.


    - Added the C (CPU) meter to the L/Q/S/P group on the Session screen. The CPU meter is only displayed if you have manually enabled it in the "XXX Dev Use Only" section of app.ini.

    Triple Screen

    - Fixed a bug where headlights could draw with strange artifacting problems when the field of view is greater than 170 degrees.

    - Fixed a bug that broke mouse driving when using triple screens.


    - New live telemetry outputs CarsPosition, CarsClassPosition, PlayerCarPosition, PlayerCarClassPosition, CarIdxPosition, CarIdxClassPosition, CarIdxTime, LapLastNLapSeq, LapLastNLapTime, LapBestNLapLap, LapBestNLapTime, DCLapStatus, DCDriversSoFar.

    Sharing Setups

    - When you share a setup from the Garage, all different types of car that should be able to load your setup can now actually see and load your setup (for instance, the two V8 Supercars, or the NASCARs).

    New Tire Model

    - Dave has a new model of the tire carcass that does a much more accurate computation of the tire's stiffnesses. Amongst other things tires now respond much more correctly to tire pressure changes. This is what is called a "Version 6" tire. Most of our road course cars have been updated with this.

    Chassis Torsion

    - We can now model the fact that a car's chassis can twist due to forces and torques acting on the car. But only a few of our cars have been updated with this so far.


    - Reduced wild wind direction swings.


    - Added new sponsor logos for Pep Boys, People Against Distracted Driving (PADD), iAnalyze Racing, and Max Papis Innovations (MPI).

    - Revised Club Scandinavia logo.

    Aston Martin DBR9 GT1

    - Now available for purchase. Will be classed with the Chevrolet Corvette C6.R GT1.

    - Features our new chassis torsion modeling, new V6 tires, and new PBR shaders.

    BMW Z4 GT3

    - Chassis torsion is now modeled.

    - Now has the new V6 tires.

    - Revised car performance to better match real life. Top speeds and cornering grip are now more accurate.

    - Updated setup for the new season.

    - Adjusted when G27 shift lights illuminate.

    Cadillac CTS-V Racecar

    - Now has the new V6 tires.

    - Updated setup for the new season.

    Chevrolet Corvette C6.R GT1

    - Now has the new V6 tires.

    - Updated to use the new PBR shaders.

    - Wheels can now be painted.

    - Performance has been re-tuned to match appropriately against the Aston Martin DBR9 GT1.

    - Added tire warmers to avoid very cold tire issues in cold weather.

    - Updated setup for the new season.

    Chevrolet Impala Old Class B

    - Revised drafting.

    - Increased tire wear.

    - Added 100 lb of front downforce to match the 2015 cars.

    Chevrolet Impala-COT

    - Revised drafting.

    - Increased tire wear.

    Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS

    - Updated setups for the new season.

    - Cleaned up visible positioning of wheels to reduce fender interactions.

    Chevrolet Silverado - circa 2013

    - Revised damage modeling for less damage with door bangs and to reduce engine damage associated with front end contact.

    - Revised drafting.

    - Increased tire wear.

    Dallara DW12

    - Fixed boost levels to be inline with regulations.

    - Updated setups for the new season.

    Ford Falcon FG V8

    - Chassis torsion is now modeled.

    - Improved levels of detail for better frame rates.

    - Re-worked the rear view mirror.

    Ford GT

    - Now has the new V6 tires.

    - Updated collision settings to match the BMW. This should reduce the 4x response from light hits.

    - Updated setup for the new season.

    Ford GT GT3

    - Chassis torsion is now modeled.

    - Now has the new V6 tires.

    - Revised car performance to better match real life. Top speeds and cornering grip are now more accurate.

    - Updated collision settings to match the BMW. This should reduce the 4x response from light hits.

    - Adjusted when G27 shift lights illuminate.

    - Updated setup for the new season.

    Ford Mustang FR500S

    - Now has the new V6 tires.

    - Update the diff with a little more locking bias.

    Holden Commodore VF V8

    - Chassis torsion is now modeled.

    - Improved levels of detail for better frame rates.

    - Updated setup for the new season.

    HPD ARX-01c

    - Now has the new V6 tires.

    - Sound overhaul including additional near/far engine layers.

    Legends Ford '34 Coupe

    - Updated the 3D model to our latest standards, including the new PBR shaders.

    - Updated with chassis torsion and suspension installation stiffnesses.

    - Now has the new V6 tires.

    - Minimum cold tire pressures reduced to 10 psi.

    - Updated setups for the new season.

    Lotus 49

    - Chassis torsion is now modeled.

    Lotus 79

    - Revised damage modeling to reduce damage associated with bottoming out against the track surface.

    Mazda MX-5 Cup

    - Now has the new V6 tires.

    - Made dampers linear to get rid of the weirdness in force changes from low to mid speed. Also linearized the click settings and degree sweeps - now each adjustment produces an even level of damping change throughout adjuster range.

    - Increased wheel inertia.

    - Adjusted the center of gravity height a little lower and re-tuned the chassis mass distribution angle a little lower at the front.

    - Updated setup for the new season.

    Mazda MX-5 Roadster

    - Now has the new V6 tires.

    - Made dampers linear to get rid of the weirdness in force changes from low to mid speed. Also linearized the click settings and degree sweeps - now each adjustment produces an even level of damping change throughout adjuster range.

    - Adjusted the center of gravity height a little lower and re-tuned the chassis mass distribution angle a little lower at the front.

    - Updated setup for the new season.

    McLaren MP4-12C GT3

    - Now has the new V6 tires.

    - Revised car performance to better match real life. Top speeds and cornering grip are now more accurate.

    - Updated setup for the new season.

    Modified - SK

    - Updated setups for the new season.

    NASCAR Camping World Chevrolet Silverado

    - Updated aero based on latest GM Racing information.

    - Improved levels of detail for better frame rates.

    - Revised damage modeling for less damage with door bangs and to reduce engine damage associated with front end contact.

    - Revised drafting.

    - Increased tire wear.

    - Added fans back into the model.

    - Updated setups for the new season.

    NASCAR Camping World Toyota Tundra

    - Updated aero based on latest GM Racing information.

    - Improved levels of detail for better frame rates.

    - Revised damage modeling for less damage with door bangs and to reduce engine damage associated with front end contact.

    - Revised drafting.

    - Increased tire wear.

    - Updated setups for the new season.

    NASCAR K&N Pro Chevrolet Impala

    - Revised drafting.

    - Increased tire wear.

    - Updated setups for the new season.

    NASCAR Sprint Cup Chevrolet SS

    - Revised engine power, aerodynamics, and drafting.

    - Improved levels of detail for better frame rates.

    - MPI steering wheel added.

    - Circular roof camera replaced with teardrop shaped camera at Super Speedway tracks.

    - Updated setups for the new season.

    NASCAR Sprint Cup Ford Fusion

    - Revised engine power, aerodynamics, and drafting.

    - Improved levels of detail for better frame rates.

    - MPI steering wheel added.

    - Circular roof camera replaced with teardrop shaped camera at Super Speedway tracks.

    - Updated setups for the new season.

    NASCAR Sprint Cup Toyota Camry

    - Updated the 3D model to the 2015 season car.

    - Revised engine power, aerodynamics, and drafting.

    - Improved levels of detail for better frame rates.

    - MPI steering wheel added.

    - Circular roof camera replaced with teardrop shaped camera at Super Speedway tracks.

    - Updated setups for the new season.

    NASCAR Whelen Tour Modified

    - Updated setups for the new season.

    NASCAR XFINITY Chevrolet Camaro

    - Added 100 lb of front downforce to match the 2015 cars.

    - Revised drafting.

    - Increased tire wear.

    - Updated setups for the new season.

    NASCAR XFINITY Ford Mustang

    - Added 100 lb of front downforce to match the 2015 cars.

    - Revised drafting.

    - Increased tire wear.

    - Updated setups for the new season.

    Pontiac Solstice

    - Now has the new V6 tires.

    Radical SR8

    - Fixed a bug where you could fail tech for ride height but not see why.

    Ruf RT 12R AWD

    - Now has the new V6 tires.

    Ruf RT 12R C-Spec

    - Updated with fixed setups for the new season.

    Ruf RT 12R RWD

    - Now has the new V6 tires.

    Ruf RT 12R Track

    - Now has the new V6 tires.

    - Revised car performance to better match real life. Top speeds and cornering grip are now more accurate.

    - Updated setup for the new season.

    Silver Crown

    - Updated setups for the new season.

    Skip Barber Formula 2000

    - Now has the new V6 tires.

    - Sound overhaul including additional near/far engine layers.

    Sprint Car

    - Updated setups for the new season.

    Star Mazda

    - Chassis torsion is now modeled.

    - Sound overhaul including additional near/far engine layers.

    Street Stock

    - Fixed a bug where the rear suspension operated with NASCAR rear style springs instead of leaf springs.

    - Updated setups for the new season.

    Super Late Model

    - Updated setups for the new season.

    Williams-Toyota FW31

    - Adjusted tire pressure ranges and increments.


    Auto Club Speedway

    - Fixed upside-down environment reflection texture.

    Autodromo Nazionale Monza

    - Fixed upside-down environment reflection texture.

    - Added check point and 1x at the exit of the last corner.

    Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps

    - Fixed upside-down environment reflection texture.

    Circuit Gilles Villeneuve

    - Fixed upside-down environment reflection texture.

    Circuit of the Americas

    - Fixed upside-down environment reflection texture.

    Donington Park Racing Circuit

    - Fixed upside-down environment reflection texture.

    Five Flags Speedway

    - Now available for purchase.

    - Features our new PBR shaders.

    Gateway Motorsports Park

    - Fixed upside-down environment reflection texture.

    Lucas Oil Raceway

    - Fixed upside-down environment reflection texture.

    Mount Panorama Circuit

    - Fixed upside-down environment reflection texture.

    Okayama International Circuit

    - Fixed some weird shading in the trees.

    Rockingham Speedway

    - Fixed upside-down environment reflection texture.
  • WookieWookie
    Membre Messages: 4,894
    Ça c'est de la mise à jour :-bd
  • TocheToche
    Modérateur global Messages: 18,153
    Pour rappel, le site sera down de 16h à 20h ce soir; (vous rajoutez 2h par rapport à l'UTC)

    Tuesday 2015-06-09 0800 Hosted Sessions Unavailable*
    Tuesday 2015-06-09 1400 Service Unavailable
    Tuesday 2015-06-09 1800 Service Restored
  • esdesd
    Membre Messages: 4,743
    Merci @Toche
  • Max_la_BarackMax_la_Barack
    Membre Messages: 5,566
    Registering for Race sessions will place you into an Open Practice while waiting
    Bonne nouvelle ! ça sera encore plus immersif
    Logitech ARX
    Tiens un nouveau dash ?
    We are beginning to convert some of our cars and tracks to using physically based rendering (PBR) shaders to give more accurate looking cars and tracks. In this release the new Five Flags Speedway track uses these new shaders, as do the new Aston Martin DBR9 GT1, and the updated Chevrolet Corvette C6.R GT1 and updated Legends Ford '34 Coupe.
    En plus ça sera plus jolie :-bd
    - Show the driver the amount of time they still have to yield in order to clear their "gained time by shortcutting, slow-down" furled black flag.
    - Add in an option to load split time files from other drivers and cars for you to compare yourself against.
    New Tire Model

    - Dave has a new model of the tire carcass that does a much more accurate computation of the tire's stiffnesses. Amongst other things tires now respond much more correctly to tire pressure changes. This is what is called a "Version 6" tire. Most of our road course cars have been updated with this.
    Hâte de tester ça
    - Chassis torsion is now modeled.
    Encore un truc en plus à régler :-<
  • factarusfactarus
    Membre Messages: 375
    juin 2015 modifié
    J'aime bien l'idée d'ajouter une autre voiture du pack de base (si combo du host avec voiture hors base) plus ou moins équivalente pour permettre à d'autres de venir nous rejoindre, ça peut être fun.

    PS: toujours terrible ces nouvelles builds de fin de saison, on est excités comme si on redécouvrait le jeu à chaque fois >:D<
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