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From the internal packet captures we've analyzed so far, we can confirm that the race servers are generating all of the expected packets, and that they are not being delivered to the sim, and that the packets generated by the sim are being properly delivered to the race server. The sim observes the incoming packet loss, and displays it on the L/Q/S/Frame Rate display as the left-side of the Q bar growing.
Unfortunately, the hardware that we're using to perform our local packet captures was not configured correctly. It's capturing data from "inside" our firewall. So we can not yet exclude our firewall as being the source of the trouble. We're in the process of reconfiguring that device so that it is instead capturing packets from "outside" our firewall. Once that is straightened out, we'll analyze additional packet captures, so that we can either "blame" or "exclude" our firewall as being the cause of the problem.
In the meantime, we continue to have discussions with our ISP about the problem. And we're investigating alternative solutions for the US race server farm, in case this issue cannot be pinpointed.
We're actually in the process of replacing all of the equipment on that farm. (That work will not be impacting the current Amsterdam race server farm. We're just setting up a parallel farm, with all new equipment, and once that checks-out, we'll just switch off the old equipment, and point races at the new equipment).
J'ai la liste de mes tickets (résolus) mais il est encore possible de les "relancer" si un ticket a été fermé malgré que le problème n'ait été résolu.
- [New data] Temperature of track at start/finish line.
- [New data] Temperature of track measured by crew around track. This is what we can see in the iRacing information.
- [Nouvelles données] Température de la piste au départ / à l'arrivée.
- [Nouvelles données] Température de la piste mesurée par l'équipage autour de la piste. C'est ce que nous pouvons voir dans les informations iRacing.
iRacing.com will be coming down for deployment of the 2018 Season 2 Patch 4 Release on Tuesday, April 17th, beginning at 9:00am EDT.
This maintenance will affect all iRacing.com regions and members will be unable host or join sessions during the downtime. The Test Drive iRacing service will be online during this downtime.
iRacing.com Downtime Schedule:
Tue 2018-04-17 0300 Overlap Sessions Prevented*
Tue 2018-04-17 0900 Race Servers Unavailable
Tue 2018-04-17 0700 Overlap Sessions Prevented*
Tue 2018-04-17 1300 Race Servers Unavailable
Tue 2018-04-17 1700 Overlap Sessions Prevented*
Tue 2018-04-17 2300 Race Servers Unavailable
All times are subject to change.
Sessions in progress at the start of maintenance may be terminated. There will be no record of such events whether official or not.
*Hosted sessions are allowed to be created and run that do not overlap the "Race Servers Unavailable" time. For example, 6 hours before the maintenance period begins, you can create a hosted session that lasts up to 5 hours, but not one that lasts for 6 or more hours.
#bonjenetoucheplusarien #Hallelujah! #4000 #happy
@mcbly C'est clair que plus on monte en iRating, plus on doit terminer très haut dans le classement d'une course pour ne pas perdre de l'iRating surtout quand on a des courses avec pas trop de participants comme en GT Challenge, dont leurs iRating est très contrasté. (genre terminer 3ème minimum sur 9 participants).
Je viens de faire autant de course cette année que sur tout l'année précédente.
Toi par contre t'es un grand grand malade
Féloch @Toche
A méditer
Bah oui c'est parcequ'il roule beaucoup qu'il n'est pas souvent sur le forum..
En espérant qu'ils en fassent bon usage, l'utilisation du HDR conjointement à la transition jour/nuit pourrait donner un réel coup de boost visuellement!
Tony Gardner
We are working on HDR at the same we are working on day to night transitions. They would likely roll out together or around the same time. (The goal is to release this year and making good progress.)
HDR (High-dynamic range rendering) is a light rendering model that allows for a very high level of contrast. It allows things that are bright to appear bright, and things that are dark appear dark. Details that you’d not see in our current LDR sRGB (low-dynamic range) system would become visible. It has the potential to drastically improve the overall look of the sim.
With HDR you’d be able to see cool visuals like light bloom from the sun, brake lights will be much more noticeable, we could get the sun to glint off of shiny cars, etc.