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This release features a host of new content, updates, features, and fixes for the iRacing experience. We hope you have fun out on the track of your choice!
Some highlights include:
• NASCAR Monster Energy Cup Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 - 2018
• Kokomo Speedway
• Upgraded Michigan International Speedway
• Two Atlanta Motor Speedway Rallycross Configurations
• Huge iRacing Beta Interface Performance Update
• New iRacing Download Delivery Option
• Improved Connectivity Metrics
• More Dynamic Dirt Oval Track Behavior
• New Driver Pit Telemetry Variables
Full 2018 Season 4 Release details are below.
iRacing Beta Interface
- Performance Improvements
- - The iRacing Beta Interface has been disassembled and rebuilt from the ground up to improve overall performance and stability in all areas. This was a long-term project, and in the process we've made some dramatic improvements to the underlying structures that will provide immediately noticeable performance upgrades, and will make future development more water-tight.
- Dynamic Modal Menus
- - Modal Menus (A menu screen that appears over the iRacing Beta Interface, such as the Create a Race screen or the Downloader) now resize automatically to better utilize screen space.
- - Modal Menus now utilize a frame that includes action buttons at the bottom, while the content of the screen can scroll freely within the frame. This means that buttons like Cancel, Join, and Test Drive will always be displayed at the bottom of the modal menu window.
- Scaling Improvements
- - The options for scaling the iRacing Beta Interface can still be found in the Settings section, but now the UI Scaling is handled by the game engine, improving performance substantially.
- - The UI may now be scaled in 5% increments between 50% and 200%.
- Spotter Passwords
- - User-Created Races and Official Races now fully support spotter passwords.
- - - To view entries in Official Sessions, click the white icon indicating the amount of drivers registered for an event. Entries looking for a spotter are indicated by the headphone icon next to the "Register" button.
- Combined Sessions
- - Spectator Sessions are now part of all Official Sessions, and are displayed in the same list.
- Test Drive
- - You can now use a Test Drive button for any Hosted Session.
- Ultra HD Support
- - UHD monitors are now natively supported and no longer require a manual activation.
- A new Content Delivery Network, Limelight, has been added as an option for our Members.
- - Some details on this enhancement can be found here: http://members.iracing.com/jforum/posts/list/3615303.page
- The "Total Download Size" on the Downloads web page has been updated to reflect the amount still to be downloaded, if a previous update attempt was partially downloaded.
- Fixed an issue on the download web page which could erroneously display a "not enough free space" error message.
- When the iRacing Updater shuts down, it will now generate car setup directories for all cars that you have installed. This should make managing and sharing vehicle setups easier.
- We've added some preventative measures for some issues that may have caused stuttering for some members.
- Some of the third party software that the iRacing Simulator utilizes has been updated to a newer version. If you are running Windows 7, you must be running Service Pack 1 (SP1) or later in order to continue to use iRacing.
- The L/Q/S/P meters on the frame rate (FPS) display have been reorganized, and the ability to control them has been added to the in-Sim Options Menu.
- The meters are now broken up into 4 separate groups: Graphics, Network, System, and Steering/Force Feedback (which is only available while driving). They are still attached to the frame rate (FPS) display, and will all be hidden if you choose to hide the FPS display.
- - Each individual group can be disabled, shown graphically, or shown numerically, via selections in the lower-right area of the in-Sim Options Menu in the "On Screen Displays" section.
- Graphics Group:
- - Renderer (R)
- - - Graphically, this meter shows a 1-second running average of how much time it is taking for the iRacing graphics engine to build the set of commands that tell the graphics card how to draw each frame. An empty bar means it is taking 0 seconds, and full bar means it is taking 1 second. Like the CPU meter, a purple bar is shown beneath this one, and shows the 15-second running average.
- - - Numerically, this value is displayed in milliseconds, and only the 1-second running average is displayed.
- - Graphics (G)
- - - Graphically, this meter shows a 1-second running average of how much time it is taking your graphics card to draw the displayed frames. An empty bar means it is taking 0 seconds, and full bar means it is taking 1 second. Like the C and R meters, a purple bar is shown beneath this one, and shows the 15-second running average.
- - - Numerically, this value is displayed in milliseconds, and only the 1-second running average is displayed.
- Network Group:
- - Latency (L)
- - - Graphically, an empty bar is 0ms of round-trip network latency between your computer and the race server, while a full bar is 1000ms (one second) of round-trip latency.
- - - Numerically, this measurement is in Milliseconds.
- - Quality (Q)
- - - Graphically, the left-side meter measures the incoming network packet loss to the Simulation from the race server, and the right-side meter measures the incoming packet loss on the race server from your Simulation. Both meters measure only your connection to the race server, not your own, nor our race server’s overall internet connection packet loss. An empty meter is 0% packet loss, and a full meter is 50% packet loss.
- - - Numerically, this measurement is a percentage (100 means no packet loss, 0 means 100% packet loss).
- System Group:
- - CPU (C)
- - - The core of the Simulation runs 60 times per second (though some parts run at a higher rate). To keep-up with the simulated world, the Simulation must complete an “update” in less than 1/60th of a second, otherwise it will start to fall behind.
- - - Graphically, this meter shows a 1-second-long running average of the percentage of that 1/60th of a second the simulation is taking to “run the world”. An empty bar means 0% of that 1/60th of a second is being used, while a full bar means at least 100% is being used, but it could actually be “running long”. If the simulation keeps “running long”, it will begin to fall behind “real time”, leading to time Skew between your Simulation and the server. A purple bar is drawn beneath the normal CPU bar, and it shows a longer-term 15-second running average.
- - - Numerically, this measurement is a percentage of the allowed 1/60th of a second that the Simulation is using to update the world. Only the 1-second running average is displayed.
- - Skew (S)
- - - This meter measures the simulation-world time difference between your Simulation and the correct simulated-world time, as kept by the race server. While small flickers of Skew can appear due to “network jitter” (variations in the round-trip network Latency between your computer and the race server), significant amounts of Skew are almost always caused by your computer being unable to perform the calculations necessary to keep up with real time (see the CPU (C) meter discussion above). That is why this metric appears as part of the System group, instead of the Network meter group.
- - - Graphically, an empty bar means your simulation is in sync with the server. As the meter grows to the left from the center, your system is falling behind the server, and the bar will be full-left when the Sim is 1 second behind. As the meter grows to the right from the center, your system is getting ahead of the server, and the bar will be full-right when it is 1 second ahead.
- - - Numerically, this measurement is in seconds.
- - Paging (P)
- - - Modern computers have physical RAM (memory), but programs that run on them operate using a “virtual memory” address space. For a program to actually use the contents of a piece of its virtual memory, it must have actual physical RAM memory attached to it. Paging is the term that covers how the operating system manages the attachment of physical RAM memory to a program’s virtual memory addresses. When the OS must intervene in the virtual<->physical memory attachment of a 4K byte “page” of memory, that causes a “page fault”. “Hard” page faults are when the operating system must transfer data between physical RAM and your disk (or SSD). These are slow operations that can greatly impact the performance of your computer if they occur at a high rate.
- - - Graphically, hard page faults are shown in green or yellow, and the meter will be full-yellow at 30 hard page faults/second.
- - - Numerically, this measurement displays the number of hard page faults per second.
- Steering Group:
- - Force Feedback (F)
- - - This metric shows the torque from the steering column as a percentage, after the scaling from your force slider is applied. You want to keep the forces below 100% so that the wheel is not over-saturating, but still high enough that you are using the full range allowable from your wheel. You can make adjustments to your force levels while driving by using the F9 black box. Or you can drive a clean lap then hit the ‘auto’ button in the F9 box to let us find a reasonable estimate of how much force to send to the wheel.
- - - Graphically, red indicates you have 100% torque saturation, yellow indicates you have 85% to 99% torque saturation, and green indicates 84% or less torque saturation.
- - - Numerically, the value displayed is the percentage of torque saturation.
- If the Simulation determines that it seems to be having performance issues that are causing it to fall behind the race server, the FPS and other meter displays will be forced on, even if you currently have them hidden. Additionally, the System meters (C/S/P) will be forced to be displayed, even if you had marked that particular meter group as hidden. The labels of the meters that indicate the indicate the performance issue will be flashed. Currently only the C and S meters are analyzed for performance issues, and so only those meter’s labels will be flashed.
Driving Aids
- Fixed an issue where the pit lane exit blue line for "Pit Lane 0" at tracks with 2 pit lanes would show when in any pit lane, and the "Pit Lane 1" line would show when not in a pit lane. Now, the blue line will correctly show up for whatever pit lane you are in, and not show any if you are not in a pit lane.
Hybrid Power Units
- Removed an efficiency correction that was left in by mistake in the MGU-K deploy demand, and deploy cap calculations.
- The shape of the water gradient on dirt ovals is now variable, and slightly more water will be lost in the process of wearing the track away. This will cause tracks to transition from the prepared state to hardpan a bit faster and less predictably, and create a slightly drier environment overall.
- Made the toughness of dirt and resulting grip more sensitive to water content.
- The lateral strength effect of the cushion dirt has been reduced slightly.
- Heat Races at Dirt Ovals will now initialize with more track wear, and the variance of that starting usage percentage has been increased.
- The track groove that forms during Dirt Oval races should now be displayed even with the Graphics Option "Render Dynamic Track Data" disabled.
- Body stiffness and damping of Rallycross cars has been reduced to help decrease visible body damage and improve car-to-car contact performance.
Opponent Cars
- Opponent vehicles on your machine should now have more accurate positioning measurements sent to it from the Race Server, including altitude, roll, pitch, and steering angle. This should make opponent vehicles appear to drive smoother while racing, and in Replays.
- Fixed an issue where some values were incorrectly flashing yellow.
- Improved the dynamic level-of-detail (LOD) adjustment for cars and pit objects when too many are visible and too high LODs are being used all at once. The LODs are now based on actual object distance rather than view depth.
- Fixed an issue where the driver's hands would disappear from your car when you were not the active driver.
Visual Effects
- Smoke effects now react to wind, lighting, shadow, and a visual turbulence effect has been added.
- Jet fly-overs have been adjusted.
- Backfires and gear shifting sounds for stockcars have been improved.
- Marble impacts, scrubs, and castoff sounds have been improved.
- Hit and scrape sounds for grounding impacts of vehicle undertrays on soft materials, such as tirewalls, rubber, and some chicane humps have been improved.
- Sawtooth curb sounds have been improved.
- Audio volumes have been re-balanced for all default iRacing camera sets.
Paint Kit
- The Craftsman logo has been added to the Paint Kit.
Force Feedback
- The Simulation will no longer attempt to dampen when the Force Feedback option "Dampen Oscillations" is checked. Instead, it will only reduce the force level. The dampen effect is not stable on all wheels. This should help reduce some wheel oscillations when the car is parked.
- New driver change telemetry variables have been added:
- - dcDashPage, dcPitSpeedLimiterToggle, dcDRSToggle, dcPushToPass, dcStarter, dcLowFuelAccept, dcHystBoostHold, dcFCYToggle
- New driver pit telemetry variables have been added:
- - dpFastRepair, dpFFlapSetting, dpFuelAddKg, dpFuelFill, dpFWingAngleOffset, dpFWingSetting, dpLFTireChange, dpLFTireColdPress, dpLRTireChange, dpLRTireColdPress, dpLTireChange, dpRFTireChange, dpRFTireColdPress, dpRRTireChange, dpRRTireColdPress, dpRTireChange, dpRWingAngleOffset, dpWinshieldTearoff, dpFUFangleIndex
- Driver pit telemetry variables "dpLrWedgeAdj" and "dpRrWedgeAdj" have been renamed to "dpLRWdgeAdj" and "dpRRWedgeAdj" to better match the rest of the driver pit telemetry variables.
- The latest EAC SDK has been applied.
Audi R18
- The "Hybrid" screen display has been updated to show battery state of charge and % deployment used each lap.
Audi R8 LMS GT3
- 2018 Season 4 BoP Adjustment: Vehicle weight has been increased by 35kg.
- Improved vehicle sounds including: gear shift, engine, transmission, pneumatic compressor, and backfires.
Chevrolet Corvette C6.R GT1
- Hood and front fenders can now be removed in collisions.
- Baseline setup has been updated.
Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS
- Season setups have been updated.
Dallara DW12
- Improved curb sound levels for this open-top vehicle.
Dallara IR18
- Improved curb sound levels for this open-top vehicle.
- Season setups have been updated.
Dirt Late Model
- (ALL) - An option to adjust the LR droop chain has been added in the garage.
- (ALL) - Brake Bias adjustment range has been opened to allow from 10% (full rear brake) to 90% (full front brake).
- (ALL) - Maximum brake pedal force input has been increased. You should find braking performance to be greatly improved.
Dirt Midget
- Fixed fuel restrictions have been removed.
- Adjustments have been made to the Mass/Inertia properties.
- Tire tread pattern has been adjusted.
- Season setups have been updated.
Dirt Sprint Car
- (ALL) - Setups may now be shared across all three Dirt Sprint Car models (305, 360, and 410).
- (ALL) - Fixed fuel restrictions have been removed.
- (ALL) - Adjustments have been made to the Mass/Inertia properties.
- (ALL) - Aerodynamic performance has been adjusted.
- (ALL) - Shock damping characteristics have been updated.
- (ALL) - Tire tread pattern has been adjusted.
- (ALL) - Opponent cars should race more true to their human driver on your local machine.
- (ALL) - Season setups have been updated.
Dirt Sprint Car Non-Winged
- (ALL) - Setups may now be shared across both Dirt Non-Winged Sprint Car models (360 and 410).
- (ALL) - Fixed fuel restrictions have been removed.
- (ALL) - Shock damping characteristics have been updated.
- (ALL) - Tire tread pattern has been adjusted.
- (ALL) - Season setups have been updated.
Dirt Street Stock
- Fixed an issue where car parts were not correctly being removed from opponent vehicles when taking damage.
Ferrari 488 GT3
- 2018 Season 4 GTE BoP Adjustment: Aero downforce has been increased slightly. Fuel fill rate has been updated to equalize fuel fill times during pit stops.
- Gear ratios have been modified to include the real-world homologated gear ratio stacks: FIA, IMSA Daytona, and IMSA Short.
- The Ferrari Challenge gear ratio stack has been added.
- - Please note: 1st gear from the real car was not modeled. As such, 1st through 6th in iRacing are equivalent to 2nd through 7th in the real car.
Ford Falcon FG V8
- Reduced shock pin range to eliminate the ability to utilize in a hyper-extended state.
- New backfire sounds have been added.
- Slightly increased the probability of off-throttle backfires occurring.
Ford Fiesta RS WRC
- Fixed an issue where the current gear selection was not showing up in opponent cars during replays.
Ford GT - 2017
- 2018 Season 4 GTE BoP Adjustments: Engine power has been increased slightly for better acceleration. Slightly reduced aero drag at low rear wing angles. Fuel fill rate has been updated to equalize fuel fill times during pit stops.
- Adjusted sounds for backfires and pneumatic shifting.
Formula Renault 2.0
- Minor improvements to the engine, tire, and wind buffeting sounds.
- New backfire sounds have been added.
Holden Commodore VF V8
- Reduced shock pin range to eliminate the ability to utilize in a hyper-extended state.
- New backfire sounds have been added.
- Minor improvements to the engine, gear shifts, brakes, tires and backfire sounds.
- Fixed a minor texture issue with one of this vehicle's paint patterns.
Indycar Dallara - 2011
- This car has been renamed from "Indycar Dallara circa 2011" to "Indycar Dallara - 2011".
- Improved curb sound levels for this open-top vehicle.
Lotus 49
- Engine and tire sounds have been updated.
Lotus 79
- Cold and warm engine idle RPM values have been adjusted slightly.
- Improved engine, tire, and wind buffeting sounds.
- On-board engine idle sounds have been updated.
Mazda MX-5 Cup - 2015
- This car has been renamed from "Mazda MX-5 Cup circa 2015" to "Mazda MX-5 Cup - 2015".
- Fuel pressure display will now correctly use the Metric system.
Mazda MX-5 Roadster - 2015
- This car has been renamed from "Mazda MX-5 Roadster circa 2015" to "Mazda MX-5 Roadster - 2015".
- Fuel pressure display will now correctly use the Metric system.
McLaren MP4-30
- The Push-to-Pass control has been replaced with Deployment Hold.
- - This should give drivers greater flexibility to fine tune deployment without taking the hit P2P places on MGU-H harvesting. Please also note that P2P functionality remains available via Qualifying mode.
- The in-car brake bias is now adjustable with the fixed setup for this car.
- Improved curb sound levels for this open-top vehicle.
- Season setups have been updated.
Mercedes-AMG GT3
- Improved engine, gear shift, compressor, and backfire sounds.
Modified - SK
- Fixed an issue where the nerf bars were not changing color correctly when viewed from the cockpit camera.
- Season setups have been updated.
NASCAR Camping World Chevrolet Silverado
- An additional gear selection has been added.
- Grip at super short tracks (Martinsville and smaller) has been increased.
- Aero drag has been reduced slightly.
- Engine cooling at higher tape levels has been increased.
- Staggers have been updated for different tracks.
- The camber limit has been reduced to 6 degrees in the front.
- Maximum allowable height has been set to 6" in the front, and 8" in the rear, per NASCAR's inspection process.
- The left-front ride height may no longer be set higher than right-front ride height.
- Front toe adjustment range has been reduced to +/- 1/4”.
- Improved engine, gear shift, and backfire sounds.
- Fixed an issue where this vehicle had too much front rebound damping, sometimes causing a randomly occurring speed increase.
- Season setups have been updated.
NASCAR Camping World Toyota Tundra
- An additional gear selection has been added.
- Grip at super short tracks (Martinsville and smaller) has been increased.
- Aero drag has been reduced slightly.
- Engine cooling at higher tape levels has been increased.
- Staggers have been updated for different tracks.
- The camber limit has been reduced to 6 degrees in the front.
- Maximum allowable height has been set to 6" in the front, and 8" in the rear, per NASCAR's inspection process.
- The left-front ride height may no longer be set higher than right-front ride height.
- Front toe adjustment range has been reduced to +/- 1/4”.
- Improved engine, gear shift, and backfire sounds.
- Fixed an issue where this vehicle had too much front rebound damping, sometimes causing a randomly occurring speed increase.
- Season setups have been updated.
NASCAR K&N Pro Chevrolet Impala
- Grip has been increased slightly at super short ovals and road tracks.
- Staggers have been updated for different tracks.
- Gears have been adjusted at Pocono Raceway.
- Front toe adjustment range has been reduced to +/- 1/4”.
- Improved engine sounds.
- Season setups have been updated.
NASCAR Monster Energy Cup Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 - 2018
- - The NASCAR Monster Energy Cup Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 - 2018 is now available for purchase with this release!
- - - Chevrolet's latest entry in to the NASCAR Monster Energy Cup Series is the Chevrolet Camaro ZL1. Built on the racing heritage of the Chevrolet Camaro, the NASCAR Cup version is designed to compete at the top level of NASCAR against Ford and Toyota. Featuring over 750 bhp, the Camaro aims to further tie racing on Sunday with selling cars on Monday. The ZL1 Camaro has long been one of Chevrolet's highest performance cars available at a dealership so it only makes sense that they should be racing the Camaro on the largest stage in US motorsports - the NASCAR Monster Energy Cup Series.
NASCAR Monster Energy Cup Chevrolet SS
- Rev limits have been increased.
- Speedway engine power has been increased beyond 8000rpm to help draft passes.
- Superspeedway drafting effects have been increased.
- Aero drag has been reduced slightly.
- Grip at super short tracks (Martinsville and smaller) has been increased.
- Staggers have been updated for different tracks.
- The brake balance adjuster as been altered to allow 0.5% bias per click.
- The camber limit has been reduced to 6 degrees in the front.
- The left-front ride height may no longer be set higher than right-front ride height.
- Front toe adjustment range has been reduced to +/- 1/4”.
- The pit board for this car is now editable by users via custom skins. Older custom skins will need to be edited for the pit boards to display correctly. The templates for this car has been updated with the new pit board.
- Fixed a graphical issue with car damage.
- Car body colliders have been adjusted to stop too many particles being thrown forward in front of the car.
- Improved engine sounds.
- Season setups have been updated.
NASCAR Monster Energy Cup Ford Fusion
- Rev limits have been increased.
- Speedway engine power has been increased beyond 8000rpm to help draft passes.
- Superspeedway drafting effects have been increased.
- Aero drag has been reduced slightly.
- Grip at super short tracks (Martinsville and smaller) has been increased.
- Staggers have been updated for different tracks.
- The brake balance adjuster as been altered to allow 0.5% bias per click.
- The camber limit has been reduced to 6 degrees in the front.
- The left-front ride height may no longer be set higher than right-front ride height.
- Front toe adjustment range has been reduced to +/- 1/4”.
- The pit board for this car is now editable by users via custom skins. Older custom skins will need to be edited for the pit boards to display correctly. The templates for this car has been updated with the new pit board.
- Fixed a graphical issue with car damage.
- Car body colliders have been adjusted to stop too many particles being thrown forward in front of the car.
- Improved engine sounds.
- Season setups have been updated.
NASCAR Monster Energy Cup Toyota Camry
- Rev limits have been increased.
- Speedway engine power has been increased beyond 8000rpm to help draft passes.
- Superspeedway drafting effects have been increased.
- Aero drag has been reduced slightly.
- Grip at super short tracks (Martinsville and smaller) has been increased.
- Staggers have been updated for different tracks.
- The brake balance adjuster as been altered to allow 0.5% bias per click.
- The camber limit has been reduced to 6 degrees in the front.
- The left-front ride height may no longer be set higher than right-front ride height.
- Front toe adjustment range has been reduced to +/- 1/4”.
- The pit board for this car is now editable by users via custom skins. Older custom skins will need to be edited for the pit boards to display correctly. The templates for this car has been updated with the new pit board.
- Fixed a graphical issue with car damage.
- Car body colliders have been adjusted to stop too many particles being thrown forward in front of the car.
- Improved engine sounds.
- Season setups have been updated.
NASCAR Nationwide Chevrolet Impala - 2011
- This car has been renamed from "NASCAR Nationwide Chevrolet Impala circa 2011" to "NASCAR Nationwide Chevrolet Impala - 2011".
- Grip has been increased slightly at super short ovals and road tracks.
- Gears have been adjusted at Pocono Raceway.
- Front toe adjustment range has been reduced to +/- 1/4”.
NASCAR Sprint Cup Chevrolet Impala COT - 2013
- This car has been renamed from "NASCAR Sprint Cup Chevrolet Impala COT circa 2013" to "NASCAR Sprint Cup Chevrolet Impala COT - 2013".
- Grip at super short tracks (Martinsville and smaller) has been increased.
- Front toe adjustment range has been reduced to +/- 1/4”.
NASCAR Truck Series Chevrolet Silverado - 2013
- This truck has been renamed from "NASCAR Truck Series Chevrolet Silverado circa 2013" to "NASCAR Truck Series Chevrolet Silverado - 2013".
- An additional gear selection has been added.
- Grip at super short tracks (Martinsville and smaller) has been increased.
- Staggers have been updated for different tracks.
- Front toe adjustment range has been reduced to +/- 1/4”.
- Improved engine, gear shift, and backfire sounds.
- Fixed an issue where this vehicle had too much front rebound damping, sometimes causing a randomly occurring speed increase.
- Season setups have been updated.
NASCAR Whelen Tour Modified
- Season setups have been updated.
NASCAR XFINITY Chevrolet Camaro
- Grip has been increased slightly at super short ovals and road tracks.
- Gears have been adjusted at Pocono Raceway.
- Staggers have been updated for different tracks.
- Rev limit has been increased slightly.
- The camber limit has been reduced to 6 degrees in the front.
- The left-front ride height may no longer be set higher than right-front ride height.
- Front toe adjustment range has been reduced to +/- 1/4”.
- Fixed an issue where this vehicle had too much front rebound damping, sometimes causing a randomly occurring speed increase.
- Improved engine sounds for the chase camera.
- Season setups have been updated.
- Grip has been increased slightly at super short ovals and road tracks.
- Gears have been adjusted at Pocono Raceway.
- Staggers have been updated for different tracks.
- Rev limit has been increased slightly.
- The camber limit has been reduced to 6 degrees in the front.
- The left-front ride height may no longer be set higher than right-front ride height.
- Front toe adjustment range has been reduced to +/- 1/4”.
- Fixed an issue where this vehicle had too much front rebound damping, sometimes causing a randomly occurring speed increase.
- Improved engine sounds for the chase camera.
- Season setups have been updated.
- Grip has been increased slightly at super short ovals and road tracks.
- Gears have been adjusted at Pocono Raceway.
- Staggers have been updated for different tracks.
- Rev limit has been increased slightly.
- The camber limit has been reduced to 6 degrees in the front.
- The left-front ride height may no longer be set higher than right-front ride height.
- Front toe adjustment range has been reduced to +/- 1/4”.
- Fixed an issue where this vehicle had too much front rebound damping, sometimes causing a randomly occurring speed increase.
- Improved engine sounds for the chase camera.
- Season setups have been updated.
Porsche 911 RSR
- 2018 Season 4 GTE BoP Adjustments: Gear ratios have been opened to match the other GTE cars, slightly reduced downforce at high rear wing angles, reduced engine torque, and adjusted aero slightly. Fuel fill rate has been updated to equalize fuel fill times during pit stops.
- Suspension and masses have been updated to prevent roll-overs at curb strikes with low track temperatures.
- Baseline setup has been updated with a gear stack built for the transition to open ratios.
Pro Mazda
- Improved backfire sounds.
- Improved curb sound levels for this open-top vehicle.
Radical SR8
- Fitting the dive planes is now optional on this vehicle.
- Additional fuel has been added to this vehicle's setups.
- Improved backfire and gear shifting sounds.
- Improved on-board engine sounds.
- Improved curb sound levels for this open-top vehicle.
- Fixed an issue with shift lamps appearing black.
Ruf RT 12R
- (Track) - A setup for Autodromo Internazionale Enzo e Dino Ferrari has been added.
SCCA Spec Racer Ford
- Fixed an issue where the rear rebound damping adjustments were incorrectly affecting the front dampers.
Skip Barber Formula 2000
- Improved curb sound levels for this open-top vehicle.
Sprint Car
- This vehicle has been converted to use PBR shaders.
- The wheel rims of this car may now be painted.
Subaru WRX STI
- Fixed issue where the current gear selection was not showing up in opponent cars during replays.
Super Late Model
- Tire compound, front and rear geometry, aerodynamics, and engine performance have been adjusted to improve vehicle handling.
- The fuel consumption rate and engine heat generation rate has been increased.
- The display for wheel toe adjustments has been adjusted.
- Bar torque measurements have been added to the garage info.
- Season setups have been updated.
V8 Supercar Ford Falcon - 2012
- This car has been renamed from "V8 Supercar Ford Falcon circa 2012" to "V8 Supercar Ford Falcon - 2012".
- New backfire sounds have been added.
VW Beetle GRC
- Fixed issue where the current gear selection was not showing up in opponent cars during replays.
Williams-Toyota FW31
- Improved curb sound levels for this open-top vehicle.
- Fixed an issue where the digital display was not being lit correctly.
Atlanta Motor Speedway
- - Two new Rallycross configurations have been added to this track!
- - - (Rallycross Short)
- - - (Rallycross Long)
- - A member who already owns Atlanta Motor Speedway gains access to both of these new configurations.
- - A member who purchases Atlanta Motor Speedway gains access to both of these new configurations.
Barber Motorsports Park
- The fountain at this track has been updated with a new particle emitter and a distortion effect has been added.
The Bullring
- The loading background for day and night sessions at this track has been updated.
Bristol Motor Speedway
- Fixed an issue where incorrect "Exiting Closed Pits" black flags were being thrown for the second pit lane.
Circuit des 24 Heures du Mans
- Bloom levels on LED boards have been adjusted.
- The frequency of the sawtoothed curb sounds have been made more accurate based on their teeth spacing.
- Jet flyover volume has been increased.
Daytona International Speedway - 2007
- This track has been renamed from "Daytona circa 2007" to "Daytona International Speedway - 2007".
Detroit Grand Prix at Belle Isle
- Adjusted the distortion effects of the conservatory fountain.
- Fixed a surface type issue affecting race grid stalls 32 and 34.
- The escape road has been sealed off.
The Dirt Track at Charlotte
- Added dynamic track initialization data from World Of Outlaws sessions to make the starting track state more realistic.
Eldora Speedway
- Added dynamic track initialization data from World Of Outlaws sessions to make the starting track state more realistic.
Knoxville Raceway
- Added dynamic track initialization data from World Of Outlaws sessions to make the starting track state more realistic.
- The Start/Finish line has been moved 32 meters forward, to match the location of the flag stand.
Kokomo Speedway
- - Kokomo Speedway is now available for purchase with this release!
- - The track was opened by partners Albert Miller and John Rose in 1947. The pair, along with former Indianapolis track builder and promoter Ted Everroade opened the facility with the intent of it being exclusively a midget track. Over the years the track has played host to virtually a who's who in racing history. A.J. Foyt, Mario Andretti, Lloyd Ruby, Troy Ruttman, Johnny Parsons, Parnelli Jones, Bill Vukovich, Pancho Carter, John Andretti, Steve Butler, J.J. Yeley, Steve Kinser, Jack Hewitt, Rich Vogler, Tom Bigelow, Tony Stewart and Mike Groff are among those who have both raced at the track as well as in the Indianapolis 500.
Limaland Motorsports Park
- Added dynamic track initialization data from World Of Outlaws sessions to make the starting track state more realistic.
Michigan International Speedway
- - Michigan International Speedway has been significantly updated to a 2018 version, and includes a re-pave of the track surface.
- - The original Michigan International Speedway has been re-named "Michigan International Speedway - 2014".
- - This asphalt oval track is now available for purchase in the iRacing Store.
- - This track upgrade includes the following:
- - - Re-scanned and re-photographed the track.
- - - Using that scan, modeled new track geometry from scratch.
- - - Created brand new track surface textures for every surface using our latest methods.
- - - Upgraded a variety of the most prominent track objects from the old track by re-modeling and re-texturing them to our current art standards.
- Ownership of this track will be automatically granted to users who already owned the previous version, Michigan International Speedway - 2014.
Michigan International Speedway - 2014
- This track is formerly known as "Michigan International Speedway."
- - It has been renamed to "Michigan International Speedway - 2014" to make room for the upgraded version of the track.
- Ownership of this track will be automatically granted to all iRacing users, and it is now considered part of the default iRacing content.
- Adjusted a pit entry checkpoint.
Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course
- The loading background for this track has been updated.
Phillip Island Circuit
- Fixed an issue with the audio frequency of sawtoothed curbs at this track.
Sonoma Raceway
- (Cup) - Track surface grip has been adjusted slightly.
Snetterton Circuit
- (300) - Adjusted Start/Finish line slightly to better match the artwork.
- (300) - Fixed an incorrect course cutting penalty value on the last corner of this configuration.
Texas Motor Speedway
- (Road Course Short
- (Road Course Short
- (Road Course Short
Volusia Speedway Park
- Added dynamic track initialization data from World Of Outlaws sessions to make the starting track state more realistic.
Weathertech Raceway at Laguna Seca
- This track has been renamed from "Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca" to "Weathertech Raceway at Laguna Seca" to reflect real-world changes.
Williams Grove Speedway
- Added dynamic track initialization data from World Of Outlaws sessions to make the starting track state more realistic.
- Adjusted the visual appearance of the crowd.
"- Graphics Group:
- - Renderer (R)
- - Graphics (G) "
Celle-ci sera bien pratique car affichera les capacités de la carte graphique à rendre la 3D.
Le premier (R), indique le temps en milliseconde que mets Iracing à transmettre les donné à la CG.
Le 2éme (G),, indique le temps que mets la CG à dessiner chaque image.
"- System Group:
- - CPU (C)
- - Skew (S)
- - Paging (P) "
Celui là , trés utile aussi, nous renseigne sur la capacité du CPU.
(C) capacité du CPU à suivre le rendu d'Iracing
(S) affiche la latence entre votre simulation et la simu Iracing du serveur (si j'ai bien compris
(P) barre de mesure pour les pages en mémoires virtuelles sur le disque dur, si on a assez le RAM, cela doit rester au plus bas.
Corrigé moi si je me trompe ...
C'est assez complet:
- The L/Q/S/P meters on the frame rate (FPS) display have been reorganized, and the ability to control them has been added to the in-Sim Options Menu.
- The meters are now broken up into 4 separate groups: Graphics, Network, System, and Steering/Force Feedback (which is only available while driving). They are still attached to the frame rate (FPS) display, and will all be hidden if you choose to hide the FPS display.
- - Each individual group can be disabled, shown graphically, or shown numerically, via selections in the lower-right area of the in-Sim Options Menu in the "On Screen Displays" section.
- Graphics Group:
- - Renderer (R)
- - - Graphically, this meter shows a 1-second running average of how much time it is taking for the iRacing graphics engine to build the set of commands that tell the graphics card how to draw each frame. An empty bar means it is taking 0 seconds, and full bar means it is taking 1 second. Like the CPU meter, a purple bar is shown beneath this one, and shows the 15-second running average.
- - - Numerically, this value is displayed in milliseconds, and only the 1-second running average is displayed.
- - Graphics (G)
- - - Graphically, this meter shows a 1-second running average of how much time it is taking your graphics card to draw the displayed frames. An empty bar means it is taking 0 seconds, and full bar means it is taking 1 second. Like the C and R meters, a purple bar is shown beneath this one, and shows the 15-second running average.
- - - Numerically, this value is displayed in milliseconds, and only the 1-second running average is displayed.
- Network Group:
- - Latency (L)
- - - Graphically, an empty bar is 0ms of round-trip network latency between your computer and the race server, while a full bar is 1000ms (one second) of round-trip latency.
- - - Numerically, this measurement is in Milliseconds.
- - Quality (Q)
- - - Graphically, the left-side meter measures the incoming network packet loss to the Simulation from the race server, and the right-side meter measures the incoming packet loss on the race server from your Simulation. Both meters measure only your connection to the race server, not your own, nor our race server’s overall internet connection packet loss. An empty meter is 0% packet loss, and a full meter is 50% packet loss.
- - - Numerically, this measurement is a percentage (100 means no packet loss, 0 means 100% packet loss).
- System Group:
- - CPU (C)
- - - The core of the Simulation runs 60 times per second (though some parts run at a higher rate). To keep-up with the simulated world, the Simulation must complete an “update” in less than 1/60th of a second, otherwise it will start to fall behind.
- - - Graphically, this meter shows a 1-second-long running average of the percentage of that 1/60th of a second the simulation is taking to “run the world”. An empty bar means 0% of that 1/60th of a second is being used, while a full bar means at least 100% is being used, but it could actually be “running long”. If the simulation keeps “running long”, it will begin to fall behind “real time”, leading to time Skew between your Simulation and the server. A purple bar is drawn beneath the normal CPU bar, and it shows a longer-term 15-second running average.
- - - Numerically, this measurement is a percentage of the allowed 1/60th of a second that the Simulation is using to update the world. Only the 1-second running average is displayed.
- - Skew (S)
- - - This meter measures the simulation-world time difference between your Simulation and the correct simulated-world time, as kept by the race server. While small flickers of Skew can appear due to “network jitter” (variations in the round-trip network Latency between your computer and the race server), significant amounts of Skew are almost always caused by your computer being unable to perform the calculations necessary to keep up with real time (see the CPU (C) meter discussion above). That is why this metric appears as part of the System group, instead of the Network meter group.
- - - Graphically, an empty bar means your simulation is in sync with the server. As the meter grows to the left from the center, your system is falling behind the server, and the bar will be full-left when the Sim is 1 second behind. As the meter grows to the right from the center, your system is getting ahead of the server, and the bar will be full-right when it is 1 second ahead.
- - - Numerically, this measurement is in seconds.
- - Paging (P)
- - - Modern computers have physical RAM (memory), but programs that run on them operate using a “virtual memory” address space. For a program to actually use the contents of a piece of its virtual memory, it must have actual physical RAM memory attached to it. Paging is the term that covers how the operating system manages the attachment of physical RAM memory to a program’s virtual memory addresses. When the OS must intervene in the virtual<->physical memory attachment of a 4K byte “page” of memory, that causes a “page fault”. “Hard” page faults are when the operating system must transfer data between physical RAM and your disk (or SSD). These are slow operations that can greatly impact the performance of your computer if they occur at a high rate.
- - - Graphically, hard page faults are shown in green or yellow, and the meter will be full-yellow at 30 hard page faults/second.
- - - Numerically, this measurement displays the number of hard page faults per second.
- Steering Group:
- - Force Feedback (F)
- - - This metric shows the torque from the steering column as a percentage, after the scaling from your force slider is applied. You want to keep the forces below 100% so that the wheel is not over-saturating, but still high enough that you are using the full range allowable from your wheel. You can make adjustments to your force levels while driving by using the F9 black box. Or you can drive a clean lap then hit the ‘auto’ button in the F9 box to let us find a reasonable estimate of how much force to send to the wheel.
- - - Graphically, red indicates you have 100% torque saturation, yellow indicates you have 85% to 99% torque saturation, and green indicates 84% or less torque saturation.
- - - Numerically, the value displayed is the percentage of torque saturation.
- If the Simulation determines that it seems to be having performance issues that are causing it to fall behind the race server, the FPS and other meter displays will be forced on, even if you currently have them hidden. Additionally, the System meters (C/S/P) will be forced to be displayed, even if you had marked that particular meter group as hidden. The labels of the meters that indicate the indicate the performance issue will be flashed. Currently only the C and S meters are analyzed for performance issues, and so only those meter’s labels will be flashed.
Sinon TOP les serveurs pour la màj.
J'étais au max de ma connexion (<6min pour 4Go)
Voilà une bonne chose, dont tu avais évoqué le problème:
- Fuel fill rate has been updated to equalize fuel fill times during pit stops.
Autre chose (mais ils ne donnent pas de détails):
- We've added some preventative measures for some issues that may have caused stuttering for some members.
j'espère que ca va mieux aller, c'est le genre de truc qui me fait éteindre le pc après 2 tours
ouaip pour le fuel, tout comme certaines correction comme l'audi lmp1 qui était à la ramasse dès le debut au mans, je trouve ça grossier comme erreur, on dirai que dès que ç'est stable ils valident, même si la voiture est à la rue dans sa catégorie malgré les bop ...
on dirai que ça manque de test parfois
sinon les problèmes de serveurs lors des endurances on l'air résolu sauf pour les netcode qui semblent se multiplié
C'est corrigé?
Dans le change log, ils ne parlent que de l'affichage la la batterie et du % du déploiement...
Tu parles de ce qu'on a eu au Mans... ou des nouveaux dernièrement?
Sinon, j'ai essayé quelques minutes la RSR à Road America et j'ai trouvé les sons mieux sur les vibreurs et aussi sur certaines zones spécifiques à Road America (les gros vibreurs noirs).
Cette màj est très pauvre pour le côté Road, mais aussi en terme de fonctionnalité... comme on pouvait s'y attendre.
Espérons qu'ils arrivent à boucler certains chantiers pour la S1 2019...
Les gens en oval, dirt oval ou RX n'ont pas trop l'air de se plaindre, à chacun son tour
Les 2 nouveau tracé RX sur Atlanta Motor Speedway sont vraiment bien et vraiment technique. Je les ai essayé hier. Il y a par contre un "bug" à un endroit du circuit et ta frappe une sorte de mur invisible. Il y avait RebeccaPauline qui était sur le même hosted et elle "streamait" sur twitch lorsque ça lui est arrivé au départ d'une course. Elle a lancé ses gants tellement elle était fru
à belle isle il y avait un bug avec les ombres dans les 2 derniers virages, je l'ai eu dès le début et à chaque passage ...impossible à louper pourtant c'est sorti ainsi
Par contre, encore une fois, c'est pas possible qu'un bug aussi gros, ne puisse avoir été découvert. Il y a sans doute eu un changement de dernière minute qui n'a pas été testé... Je ne peux pas imaginer autre chose.
Par contre, bcp se plaignent de saccades (stuttering) introduit dans cette build. Apparement, ils ont bcp travaillé sur les particules et il se pourrait que cela ait introduit de nouveaux bugs. Si vous avez des saccades, vous pouvez tester pour voir si les particules pourraient être la cause chez vous, en mettant les particules sur 'Low'.
EDIT: Le sujet est ici:
A lot of changes have happened in the particle system, which is why we would like you to test the difference with them at low and high.
Other things to try for some people if that does not help.
-Reset your .ini files. Make a backup and delete them, then run the sim
-set a frame rate limit as low as possible for your config. Certainly under 200fps.
-uninstall and reinstall your gpu drivers, reboot of course.
-in windows10 disable game mode and fullscreen optimizations
It would help if reports included track, night/day, car, rendererDX11.ini and other details of how to make it happen.
Btw, stutters when cars join and leave are not new to this version. And there is a lot of info to work around that. But please mention that, or anything else that correlates, so we can reproduce these problems.
La boite de la RSR n'est pas réglable maintenant ??? J'avais cru lire ça.
Porsche 911 RSR
- 2018 Season 4 GTE BoP Adjustments: Gear ratios have been opened to match the other GTE cars, slightly reduced downforce at high rear wing angles, reduced engine torque, and adjusted aero slightly. Fuel fill rate has been updated to equalize fuel fill times during pit stops.
- Suspension and masses have been updated to prevent roll-overs at curb strikes with low track temperatures.
- Baseline setup has been updated with a gear stack built for the transition to open ratios.
Bien que ce ne soit pas indiqué dans le change log, il semblerait que le déploiement au Mans ait été corrigé.
A confirmer...
2018 Season 4 Hotfix 1 - Sept. 10th 1300UTC/0900EST
iRacing.com will be coming down for deployment of the 2018 Season 4 Hotfix 1 Release on Monday, September 10th, beginning at 9:00am EST.
This maintenance will affect all iRacing.com regions and members will be unable host or join sessions during the downtime. The Test Drive iRacing service will be online during this downtime.
Mon 2018-09-10 0700 Overlap Sessions Prevented*
Mon 2018-09-10 1300 Race Servers Unavailable
pas de stuttering dans une session, je rentre dans l'autre et gros stuttering tout le long,pareil qu'auparavant
pas de lien entre les circuits/voitures/ressources/particules ...
je vois sur le forum, tout le monde parle de chose différente comme source, clairement on n'est pas là d'avoir une solution j'ai l'impression
les mecs en parlent de plus en plus, et on dirait qu'ils (iracing) commencent seulement à chercher, mais vu depuis combien de temps j'ai ça, ce n'est même pas sur cette build
ça va encore durer 1 an leur histoire
sinon au passage, les mecs on des i7 8000, 1080TI en triple ou en VR, vraiment louche
(j'hésite à pas faire une réinstallation d'iracing, même de win 10 au pire pour repartir sur du frais )
Je viens de faire un host d'une grosse heure avec une 20taines de GTE sur RoadAmerica sans saccades.
TU as déjà capturé ton problème avec OBS?
Est-ce que tu as déjà essayé avec ton cpu non overclocké et ta CG non overclocké et aucun utilitaires qui tournent mais juste iRacing?
vraiment l'impression que ça vient du soft
j'essayerai ta manip pour voir
L'Arena tue les FPS... Je quitte les stands avec 45FPSet mon R est sur 20.
J'ai une impression par moment de moins bonne fluidité, pas forcément aux endroits les plus complexes... Je pense qu'ici c'est ma config qui a du mal à suivre.
J'ai fait une dizaine de tours sans souci ceci dit... avec bcp de connexions (parfois 3 en même temps) et de déconnexion, qui n'ont pas ralenti la session.
Un truc que tu peux faire en plus de l'enregistrement video, c'est enregistré la télémétrie pour voir le channel FPS si il chute par moment. Tu peux voir aussi le CPU usage tout au long du circuit.
je vais ne faire que ça la week13
sinon, je ne sais pas si c'est le fait de refaire les paramétrages mais je manque moins de vitesse en blippant avec la mx5, suffit d'attendre de ne pas rétrograder trop haut dans les tours.
tant mieux car j'ai écarté le frein de l'accélérateur dans une position un peu plus proto, du coup le talon pointe devient impossible
2èm: 8 voitures en practice
mise à 0 du overclock cpu
msi afterburner fermer
discord fermer
dx sli fermer
tradingpaint fermer
comme le premier test mais passage par le bios et désactivation de l'hypertrheading ...
pas mal de monde en piste et pourtant
Mais le plus important est:
Est-ce que tu as eu des saccades dans l'un des 2 tests?
Si non, continue de rouler dans la même config de ton 2ème test pour être sûr que tu n'aies pas de saccades.
limite je testerai bien si c'est pas mieux en occulus
Donc, tu confirmes que tous les logiciels, l'OC du CPU et du GPU ne sont pas la cause?
Faut procéder par élémination....
Tu parles de l'oculus... Tu ne ferais pas un test avant en simple écran?
Autre chose, dans l'app.ini tu as aussi le sample rate pour l'audio... Je ne sais pas toi mais j'avais changé en 48000.
Comme tu as vu que le staff demande d'essayer avec les particules sur low (l'audio est lié), ce que je suppose tu as déjà fait, tu peux aussi remettre le sample rate par défaut, à savoir 22050, pour voir.
particules sur low pareil
c'est vraiment aléatoire, même réglages mais 2 practice différents ça foire où c'est stable ...tant pis, je fait avec ...