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On se demande si ils n'ont que la Skippy totalement terminée, mais Tony a également expliqué que c'etait un peu touchy de montrer tous les dégâts sur une marque bien précise... Ca peut se comprendre.
Donc toutes les voitures sont en cours... et on en bénéficiera qu'en tout sera terminé.
Comme la transition jour/nuit ne sera pas pour la build de septembre... Ce serait un gros coup si les deux arriverait ensemble pour la S4 2018
Donc est ce que les voitures suivantes pourront avoir des dommages suite a cela , je veux dire ce prendre un pneu ou un aileron dans la tronche impacteront les performances ?
Pour le moment, on voit que chaque pièce est étudiée en fonction du contact principalement par rapport au maillage de dégâts (nettement plus détaillé), donc principalement les murs, les vibreurs et mes murs des pneus. Chaque pièce restera attachée ou non en fonction des forces exercées dessus (le vent par ex.)
Pour les pièces en contact avec d'autres pièces, genre tu attrapes une roue à l'abandon avec ton aileron, je ne suppose que tout ça devra être étudié... Juste supposition.
Par contre, je me suis peut-etre trompé. Tony dit que les pièces disparaitront comme les cônes... Mais ça ne veut pas forcément qu'ils seront "percutables" comme les cônes.
Et ne pas oublier que la prochaine build devrait apporter le nouveau modèle de pneux, ainsi que peut-etre le jour/nuit...
Abo 3 mois? plus?
Je sélection la Porsche 911 RSR
Je lance le jeu.
Ma Porsche 911 RSR devient 991 RSR.
911 gt3 cup
919 lmp 1
991 rsr
sinon pour les dampers 4 voies @Toche
suspension à gaz
J'ai un peu halluciné, j'avais dans mon panier le code promo "100CreditPromo1016 PR100CREDITOCTOBER - Recharge your account for $75 and receive $100 in credits" et... bin ça a marché !!! J'ai payé 75$ et j'en ai reçus 100. Donc je me suis pris le contenu sorti récemment (plus ou moins récemment...) : Le Mans, la 911 GT3 cup, les 3 GTE (j'ai jamais trop aimé les protos, donc pas de LMP1 pour moi). Et puis Canadian Tire que j'avais pas acheté auparavant.
J'ai aussi commandé un obutto (vu que j'ai toujours été sur une chaise ikea à roulettes qui bouge, et aussi mon pédalier est tenu par... rien du tout !).... Bon j'ai eu quelques déboires avec TNT (mon colis a été livré à un Suédois de Goteborg il y a déja 10 jours...), mais Obutto.eu m'en a renvoyé un que je dois recevoir mardi (si tout va bien...).
Toche avait mis un lien avec l'Oculus Rift à 400€ sur Amazon avec prime... J'avais jamais utilisé les 30 jours de test de prime.... Donc j'ai acheté un Rift à 400€. Et c'est trop bon je kiffe
Et puis faut ptet que je vois pour upgrader mon PC... J'ai toujours mon i5 3470 (donc Ivy Bridge sorti en 2012, un i5 plutôt bas/moyen de gamme pour l'époque). J'ai upgradé la CG y a un an et demi pour une 1070. En solo j'ai aucun soucis avec le Rift sur iRacing (pas encore testé le Nurb, mais sur Le Mans je tiens les 90 FPS). En multi, je suis allé sur un practice Suzuka en GT3 pour avoir du monde en piste (je limite à 12 voitures, faut ptet que je teste de mettre plus). J'ai des chutes de FPS dans les S du T2, mais honnêtement ça me dérange pas vraiment (je dois pas être sensible à la cinétose). Et sinon je suis nickel sur le reste du circuit. Dans ces conditions, ma carte graphique se tourne les pouces... Ptet que je peux remonter certains paramètres qui tirent que sur la CG. J'ai regardé sur les différents forums (ici, forum officiel iracing et iracing.fr principalement) pour les réglages Nvidia et dans le jeu. J'ai baissé pas mal de trucs, Faut maintenant que je teste sur un départ, mais j'ai pas envie d'être une chicane mobile donc faut que je me remette dedans. Si ça passe pas, ça sera i5 8600K et plateforme complète quoi, donc encore 600-700€...
Ca fait déja quelques euros de dépensés, mais je compte pas m'arrêter là. Volant d'ici pas longtemps (j'ai toujours mon G27 du temps de GT5), j'hésite entre un Thrusmaster TS-PC (le choix de la raison), où voir le DD1 de chez Fanatec quand il y aura les premiers retours.
En tout cool que tu retournes sur la piste et tu n'as même pas attendu le cycle jour/nuit.
Ouais tu fais pas semblant du tout même
Je me suis réabonné aujourd'hui aussi pour un an, retour en piste semaine prochaine
C'est cool ton upgrade
EDIT: Haaaaaa Kluuuuuuuuu Bon aussi ça
August 7th-13th “10 Years of the Solstice”
August 14th-20th “10 Years of the Legends Car”
August 21st-27th “10 Years of the Skippy”
August 28th-September 3rd “10 Years of the Late Model”
We have some fun prizes up for grabs in these series as well. Anyone who competes in at least one race in each of the four throwback series will be eligible for a random drawing for a prize of 10,000 iRacing credits (one winner). We will also be randomly selecting 10 drivers each week, who compete in at least one throwback race, to receive 100 iRacing credits each (40 winners).
Also, as previously announced, we are going to give all active members on August 26, 2018 5-iRacing credits. These will be deposited in your iRacing accounts automatically on August 27, 2018.
Finally, everyone who competes in at least one throwback race each week will earn the 10-Year Throwback Series Participant Award – a once in a lifetime award that will never be able to be earned again!
mon irating va certainement descendre mais pour une fois ça sera mon choix ...
Et oui, vous avez du progresser donc pour revenir au niveau, il faut s'équiper
Sinon j'ai essayé de rejoindre une course en spectateur sur Suzuka avec le Rift et mon i5 3470, et bien ça a tenu. J'avais remonté pas mal d'options graphiques (ma 1070 se tourne toujours les pouces). Je tombe à moins de 50 FPS dans une zone des S du T2 et entre 60 et 90 dans le reste des S (toujours avec 12 voitures affichées), mais ça me dérange pas plus que ça. J'ai pas eu de baisse sur le reste du circuit.
Je pense que le changement de processeur attendra la prochaine génération qui doit sortir en septembre/octobre d'après les rumeurs persistantes.
Le seul moment où ça peut être gênant (et l'ASW ne fera pas des miracles), c'est avoir iRacing avec 63 voitures en "Max Cars" et être au départ sur Spa ou Le Mans au milieu du peloton
Content in the September Build
A complete new version of Michigan International Speedway built from a new scan. We will handle it the exact same way we handled Pocono earlier this year:
- All customers who license the existing MIS at the time of the build will be granted it for free. The new MIS will be called Michigan International Speedway (same name as the existing old MIS)
- We will move the old MIS to a free track and I’m sure will start using it in the Unofficial Series like the Carb Cup and Pickup Truck Challenge. Every customer, regardless of current "ownership", will be granted the old track for free. The Old MIS will be renamed Michigan International Speedway Circa 2014
A new built from the ground up (art and production wise) Chevy Camaro Cup Car. It will be called, NASCAR Monster Energy Cup Chevrolet Camaro. It will replace the existing NASCAR Monster Energy Cup Chevrolet SS in official Series.
- The new NASCAR Monster Energy Cup Chevrolet Camaro will sell for the usual $11.95. However, all customers who purchased the aforementioned SS in the last two years will be granted the new Camaro license for free.
- The aforementioned SS, will turn into a free car and will be granted to every customer, regardless of current "ownership".
To answer some questions many will have, yes we will be striving to get the new Toyota and Ford Cup cars as well when they come out as fast as we possibly can. However, for those that do not know, keep in mind we do have to go through the licensing process for every new car with the manufacturers which always takes time (and money), acquire the data, get physical access to the car for various production purposes and then finally build the car. That is the process we went through for the Camaro.
The two other pieces of content that will very likely be in this build will be Kokomo Speedway (an oval Dirt Track), which will be on sale as a new track for $11.95 and a new RX Circuit as part of Atlanta Speedway. As per usual, anyone that licenses Atlanta Speedway will get the RX track for free.
If none of this suits you taste in this particular quarterly update, I hope you will be happy to hear we have a bevy of additional content in various stages of production. We frankly don’t like talking about what is yet to come as things can change in a hurry for various reasons but we also appreciate many customers are interested.
To touch on a few things, a new road track is in full production and striving for a December release. Additionally, the next “old” track we will be working on is a new version of Silverstone. That is a big track so there is no chance it will release in 2018. However, we just made another trip to England to get the latest Silverstone data so the track will literally be from July 2018 and we are jumping right on it.
New sports cars and open wheelers are in production. I think people will be smiling. Also, not that we want to throw salt in the wound, but we do have a plan for a new touring car that is taking shape. I just wanted you to know we have not forgotten about that, is a priority and in the plans. I mentioned the NASCAR cars above along with plans to update other tracks in the future. Additional Dirt tracks are in the works as well as RX tracks. There are also many other content projects taking shape.
Good racing!
Here is an update on some significant features we have mentioned in the past that we are working on.
Damage: We just did a blog and a video about it. It is an all or nothing feature, and we highly doubt we will swap out our existing damage model for the new model in 2018. We are making great progress as you hopefully saw but still some things to do and then a whole lot of testing when we are talking about 80+ cars, car combinations and hundreds of circuits. That testing I’m sure will result in many rounds of tweaking, etc.
AI: Making really good progress on the AI itself and the related UI. We will start with both a one-off race option and the ability to build a whole season including loading rosters. We are excited about it but still work to do on both the AI and the UI. In fact, we plan on making the AI available in our booth at the sim expo in Germany for people to try. It is already very fun and quite good. More about that soon. It is one of those things we could probably keep working on forever; there is so much to it. I’m not sure when we are going to roll it out, but we are talking about months not years. We certainly want it to be very good and not rush it out. We are not sure if in our initial roll-out we will limit it to certain cars or not. That will be evaluated as we get closer. However right now working on everything at once.
Day to Night: The graphics engineers are on the home stretch of the project. We just finished up the cloud shadows for the dynamic track today which was one of the last challenges graphically. Now they are starting on hooking up to the current weather from the sim weather generator. (They also still want to take one more pass at improving the quality of the clouds and sky.) This puts us in position the for the final stages of involving more team members, for example for web, database, setting up sessions and saving the info in the DB, and getting it to the sim and then it all goes to testing. I know the engineers are still targeting December for release and they think a fighting chance to reach that goal, but it will be tight.
HDR (High Dynamic Rendering): This project is mainly done and the plan is to roll out with Day to Night. (The Sky etc. should be in HDR) The two projects need one last evaluation together however as we get in the final stages of day to night.
New Sound Engine (XAudio): We have not talked much about this recently, but we have been working hard on it, and we are fairly confident it will make the December build.
Tire Model V7: It is a shame but not going to be in September build. We are excited about it, but a couple issues/problem were discovered when we started to do more in-depth testing that we still need to correct to move forward with the new version overall. (FYI, we are also working on having multiple tire compounds, not to confused with tire versioning. That would hopefully come next.)
Beta UI: A big quality and speed improvement sitting on the “trunk” that we hope to roll out in September but it is going to be close. It also includes some improved usability and design. We also have other significant additions and design improvements underway which will not make September. It will be an on-going project to keep improving the UI.
Rain: Not a 2018 possibility. Still quite a ways to go but working on it. Main work being done now is on the dynamic surface aspects, water pooling, drying, etc. More resources will move to it after we finish the time of day project.
Graphics/Animation: Multiple projects underway. You should keep seeing new things roll out almost every build. The last build, for example, you saw the shadow improvements, skid marks, particles from tires etc.
Oval Dirt Surface: You should see a nice improvement coming in the September build.
There are a bunch more items big and small not discussed above but that is the brief update on the things we have talked about in the past and we receive the most questions about. On a side note, we are also building out a brand new data center which includes hundreds of thousands of dollars of new equipment. I mention it because that will go live this fall and you will be hearing more about that down the road as we switch over. The down-time should be minimal. Sorry, we don’t have more specific timing on many of the things above.
faut enlever AI et mettre DX12 à la place, ça sonne mieux
Ce qui a l'air d'être le plus concret, ce sont des p'tits ajouts graphiques/animation pour chaque build, et aussi le XAudio qui devrait arriver pour décembre. Hâte d'entendre ça!
Sinon tout le reste ce sera pour 2019.... build de Mars 2019 au plus tôt!
Je me suis entrainé cette aprem sans souci et ce soir impossible de faire ma course j'ai un message d'erreur a chaque fois que je me connect en solo ca fonctionne aussi
c'est la 1 ere fois que je vois ce message d'erreur